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How many projects do you have in your cue?

Started by blearyeyes, January 10, 2015, 02:34:33 AM

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I just did an inventory of what I have to build or finish
and it really surprised me to discover I have 39 projects
in one state or another to complete...

I think I have a problem.....

Is there a group I can join?


In progress?


Boards to populate? Over 100, easily.

Let me know if you find that club.


Hi Dan. You're in the right group if you want to buy more.  :)
I have this disease where I have to buy every pcb that comes out. Madbean, Rullywow, VIPFx, Aion, GGG, etc..... You name it. I'm sure I have well over 100 boards that need to be built and counting..... I'll build them all......some day.....some day.  ???
Follow me on Instagram under PharmerFx.


Quote from: TGP39 on January 10, 2015, 02:48:07 AM
I'm sure I have well over 100 boards that need to be built and counting..... I'll build them all......some day.....some day.  ???

Dude, even by MY standards that's disturbing.  You're my new hero.  ;D

Truth be told know you want it...but there isn't time in the day (or money) to get it finished so it goes on the "some day" list.  I do "C"-list builds that end up being hidden nuggets though, so the best is yet to come!
Gordy Power
How loud is too loud?  What?


I wouldn't even know where to begin counting...


I usually will etch or build and populate whatever I can whenever I can, it's getting around to casing them that is the trouble. I'd say I have around 25-35 in my "ready to box" drawer at any given time. I'm pretty good about finishing a pcb before I start another though. Sometimes I will doublefist....


Things I remember:

Fancy-pants seaflea with tap and fxloop (don't count on this soon)
5band EQ
Schumann PLL
Clock Divider (design stage, still)
MFOS 1V/Oct calibrator
MFOS Delayed modulation
Heaven knows, hell suspects.
"A man is not dead while his name is still spoken."
- Terry Pratchett
My OSHpark shared projects
My website



Ok Jesse, the monkey can shoot now. You're the only insane one oh I mean sane oh well I'm not sure... Talk to the monkey!


Hmm..  are we counting the fail box as well?  I have a few but not that many really..

Good to be boxed:

Crunchbox (vero)
Marshall Cabsim (vero)
Deadringer 1 (Haberdasher etch)
Gainster (vero)
Davison's Simple Cab Sim (vero, don't like it so much, probably wont get boxed)
OD820 (vero, yeah... didn't like it that much.  I don't think it's quite right, won't get boxed)
DOD 280 compressor (vero)
Hipster (MB)
Egghead (MB)
Klon (Aps)

The Klon, Compressor, and Egghead are all going in a single DD box called "Ammo Can".  I'd like to box the Crunchbox and the Deadringer 1 sometime.  One day..

To be rocked:
Guvnor tonestack (vero)

To be revisited one day:
Valvewizard Equinox II (vero)
Valvewizard Equinox II (Haberdasher etch, To Be Finished)


I think somewhere around 35, which is a mix of my own prototypes and a few other builds. I'm almost done with my ADA flanger which I started 4 years ago!


Too many to count really. There's always an outstanding collection of things to build or in various states of build. Though we are building a lot less lately, it all tends to be super complex stuff with multiple boards in.
Gnomepage - DIY effects library & stuff in the Stompage bit
"I excite very large doom for days" - playpunk


A while ago I built a multi in a cookie tin with toggle bypass switches just to use up some of the built boards I had laying around... This turned out to be a pain and I won't be doing it again soon.


I have 51 pcbs I would like to populate and about 20 working builds I would like to box.
The list keeps on growing, can't seem to have enough time to build!


Quote from: blearyeyes on January 10, 2015, 08:17:14 AM
Ok Jesse, the monkey can shoot now. You're the only insane one oh I mean sane oh well I'm not sure... Talk to the monkey!
You know, one day he'll change his avatar and if anyone reads this after that, you're going to sound utterly insane :D

I think about... 5 PCBs to build and about 5 things that need boxing.
Works at Lectric-FX