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Through-zero flanging achieved w/Current Lover circuit

Started by lars, January 08, 2015, 11:44:32 PM

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I've been working on a modded Current Lover with an MN3009 and have been attempting to get TZF. It's actually way easier than I thought possible.

I happened to have a BF-2 that I had modded previously with an MN3209 for shorter delays. So I decided, what would happen if I just connected the SND/RTN loop on the Current Lover to the input/output of the BF-2? At first, I could hear hints of through zero flanging, but it was faint, in the background. Then I remembered the BF-2 also has a clean signal running to the output, which you can disable by lifting R28 (47k).

Now I fired it up and :o! Through-zero flanging.

The best part is, the sound doesn't "cancel out" like I've heard on other TZF pedals when it crosses the "zero" threshold. No doubt that cancellation is because of the inverted delay signal that is recommended for TZF. That recommendation doesn't make sense to me, because in original tape flanging, none of the signals were inverted on the two reels, they were exact copies and simply crossed over each other. Anyway... ??? This method works great, there is no heterodyning, you don't have to spend time making up a daughter board circuit or dealing with all the delay calculations.

So the long and short of it is, just run your SND/RTN connections from the Current Lover pcb to some 1/4" output jacks, and plug in another flanger pedal that's been modded to have the clean signal lifted and can do "manual mode". (basically that turns it into an extremely short delay pedal)



Between this and your new fuzz are on FIRE!!!
Follow me on Instagram under PharmerFx.


Personally I like the drop out at the cross over so I'm wondering what this sounds like.. To me the cancellation effect IS the tzf sound....


Also really interested in hearing this. Sounds like a great mod.



K, here's a quick demo. One interesting side effect of using the BF-2 for the short delay is that the LFO is still active, so it creates slight variations in the delay time. That means the through zero point is constantly variable, so the sound is pretty dynamic, more like when engineers would manually press on the tape reel. Sometimes I get a pretty pronounced wash; sometimes it's more subtle.


That DOES sound good. I'm digging it for sure.




sounds interesting but its not in the same ball park as the Paradox...

is it possible to make a demo where you turn on an off the FX loop please? so i can hear what the BF is adding (or is that subtracting?!) ?

still, good looking out though ;)

So the issue being the LFO, does anyone with two current lovers fancy trying this with the filter matrix mode engaged to kill the LFO?

/digs around to see if I have another current lover board....


Quote from: TGP39 on January 09, 2015, 12:18:41 AM
Between this and your new fuzz are on FIRE!!!
My thoughts exactly!

Lars man you're killing it! This sounds amazing. - thoughts on some pedals I made - sounds and jams


ok I managed to replicate this using my current lover and Dr scientist cosmichorus.
dare I say it I managed to get a thicker TZF with full cancellation ;)

video shortly


tried adapting the Lovetone flanger daughter board.
This has disappointing results... :/


Could somebody explain to me in dummy terms how this works with two units? I understand flanging; comb filtering caused by two identical signals moving in and out of phase.  But how does that translate to the two pedals used and why the setting on each?


P.S.  since zero point is the 100% out of phase moment,
how could that be possible with two tape decks that were NOT wired out of phase?


Quote from: LaceSensor on January 09, 2015, 05:53:35 PM
tried adapting the Lovetone flanger daughter board.
This has disappointing results... :/

Try adding an inverting buffer at the output so you get the subtractive flanging you and most prefer, also, the fixed delay needs to be shorter than the wet signal at at least one point in the sweep (we aim for it to be at the peak usually so the shorter the better really, also not forgetting that it is now your dry signal so you don't want to hear too much delay) so add a clock buffer and drop the clock cap value.

Quote from: blearyeyes on January 09, 2015, 06:14:31 PM
Could somebody explain to me in dummy terms how this works with two units? I understand flanging; comb filtering caused by two identical signals moving in and out of phase.  But how does that translate to the two pedals used and why the setting on each?


P.S.  since zero point is the 100% out of phase moment,
how could that be possible with two tape decks that were NOT wired out of phase?
Read this, should explain what you need

One comment i'd make is to not compare tape and BBD through zero flanging, apples and oranges.
Works at Lectric-FX


Scruff thanks, any chance you can scribble in ms paint or something the extra parts?