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Apis no longer working?

Started by fish22, January 08, 2015, 04:19:35 PM

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So, here is the short version of this tale: I built myself an Apis. I sold it on TGP for cheap to help fund an amp purchase. Shipped Apis to south Africa. Buyer tells me it doesn't work. He ships it back and it doesn't work! I have a suspicion that he put the wrong voltage into it and cooked something. I've taken it apart and and don't see anything unusual or obviously messed up. Bypass works, everything on the jacks, switch ect looks good, so I'm guessing he toasted an op amp or something? He told me he tried a bunch of different power supplies which worries me...

Anyway, I gave him a refund and I'm glad to have it back because I was missing it and I'd like to get it going again for my own personal board.

Where would you guys start with trying to repair it?

Here she is just because...
Hi, my name is Wyatt.


So, what are your voltages? Have you audio probed?

The debugging procedure isn't any different just because it worked once before:

Common causes of failure are the Zener diode and the charge pump.


I don't really have a great understanding of that stuff yet, although I'd like to in the future.

I can measure voltage, I just don't know where to measure and what to look for when I do.

I think what I'm looking for are things like "First, I'd check _____. Make sure you have 3.4v at pin 1..."

Thanks for the link and the reply!
I'll read through that thread.
Hi, my name is Wyatt.


I'll take some measurements and post them.
Hi, my name is Wyatt.