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Parasit Studio - epic noise makers and fuzz inc vero build

Started by LaceSensor, January 07, 2015, 11:20:39 PM

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A bro at ILF switched me on to this -

I was vaguely aware of the tremolo pedal he designed from another forum, but hadnt checked the other ones out.
My favourite is the Arcadiator, which I intend to build next

The reason he linked me to it is cos he wanted me to build him a two in one, of the Raygun PLL and the Flawed logic fuzz
The result is this (nicer red box in person, my camera suffers with non-natural light...)
I dont really like to etch, so I plumped for the vero*:

There is an order flipper (pointed down its left to right, pointed up its right to left...I think I remembered that right!) which allows very different response and sounds from the interaction of both in series.
The Mod switch on the Flawed logic brings an oscillator into play. The Rotary on the Raygun side starts off at "Stun" which is "just a fuzz", and from there decends rapidly into PLL pitch-divey madness.
In short, its amazing.

Enjoy pics. Cheers for the inspiration, Kent. I hope you like your pedal.


(*ps incase anyone needs to make one of the Flawed Logics, here is my adapted vero, note the issues with the TL062 have been fixed)


Very cool, I love Fredrik's designs since they are all original circuits and can be tame or super wacky. Thanks for the reminder and it looks like he revamped his website recently. Your build looks great.



That looks very cool! Demo? Thanks for the vero layout!
Nerr mind, I just saw your link.


Quote from: sonarchotic on January 08, 2015, 12:37:12 AM
That looks very cool! Demo? Thanks for the vero layout!
Nerr mind, I just saw your link.

everything is in the links
I only added my vero because the orignal one he has on his website for the Flawed Logic has errors


what a funky pedal! nice build, +1 thanks for the layout :)


I MUST build an Arcadiator! That is so up my street it's untrue.
Gnomepage - DIY effects library & stuff in the Stompage bit
"I excite very large doom for days" - playpunk


Quote from: juansolo on January 08, 2015, 09:08:15 AM
I MUST build an Arcadiator! That is so up my street it's untrue.
My thoughts exactly when I saw it on diysb, his ring mod looks great too.


Quote from: juansolo on January 08, 2015, 09:08:15 AM
I MUST build an Arcadiator! That is so up my street it's untrue.
its pure awesome  sounding, isnt it ? :)


mega mega impressed with the arkadiator. the evil monster fuzz sounds that come around the 6th minute mark are incredibly awesome as well. what a fantastic circuit. - thoughts on some pedals I made - sounds and jams


Love your build Lace and you hooked me on his page. I've watched all of his videos and arcadiator is the most interesting to me to..


i predict a month of build reports on crazy CMOS noisemaking thingers


I was looking through his site and he has a couple things i'll want to check out in the future. Thanks for the Awesome link!

Awesome build too. ;)


Wow, this is awesome! The arcadiator is wonderful! must build!
Can anyone identify the opamps and other unlabelled IC parts on the schematic? I'd like to redraw the schem and maybe do an OSH run if I find the time.
I build pedals to hide my lousy playing.

My projects are labeled Quantum Effects. My shared OSH park projects:
My build docs and tutorials


The arcadiator - "An octotremobit-crushfuzzgate-harmonkilator"


Quote from: m-Kresol on January 08, 2015, 06:21:42 PM
Wow, this is awesome! The arcadiator is wonderful! must build!
Can anyone identify the opamps and other unlabelled IC parts on the schematic? I'd like to redraw the schem and maybe do an OSH run if I find the time.

there is a vero
use that