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Simple Potentiometer Question

Started by bigmufffuzzwizz, May 25, 2011, 03:57:37 PM

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In the process of ordering parts for some new builds. One of them being the open source Tube Screamer project. I'm unclear about the labeling on one of the pots. It says 20kW which I've never seen before. Hopefully someone can clarify a little for me.  :)
Owner and operator of Magic Pedals


W is a combination of reverse audio and audio in one pot. From counter clockwise to middle, it's reverse audio, and then audio from middle to fully clockwise. What it really means is that it's a linear taper for about 60-70% of the pot and audio taper at the extremes. You don't see these on a lot of TS clones because they aren't widely available. But, they work very well for very minute +/- adjustments.

Looks like SB is out of them in regular lug type, but he's got PCB pin type if you really want to try it out :

You can always use a 20 or 25k linear pot instead. Lower values are also good for taming the extreme high end you sometimes get when the tone pot is all the way up.


He's also got them in the new 12mm size:

I have a few 12mm and they are cute.


I had no idea something like this existed. The design makes a lot of sense to me though. They must be harder to produce.

Quote from: madbean on May 25, 2011, 04:15:30 PM
I have a few 12mm and they are cute.

If I order from SB soon I'll definitely get a few of those 12mm pots.  :) I'm excited as this will be my first TS clone and honestly the first TS I'll have ever played  :)
Owner and operator of Magic Pedals



Wow, I didn't know he carried those 12mm pots!

Contract PCB designer