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Started by GrindCustoms, December 24, 2014, 05:20:00 AM

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Yo! This project started couple months ago, i never knew these existed until i saw Juan and Cleggy pulling some of these out and found them to be amazing and a MUST to build... almost entering them in the Rites of Passage kind of built... for me that is.

So i got a board etched by Haderbasher, then took full of notes after chatting with Juan and refering to all the information on his Stompage... ...then came time about the enclosure, the type of effect this is, with no knobs just switches.... ...i thought that my finishing techniques would'nt be up to the Epicness of this built so i decided to go for the full monty!

I gave white card to John to design me an enclosure with the killer Envirotex technique that Cleggy got, deceived i was not... ...fucking amazed i surely was! ;D

Then time came to populate this board, something i had done for the most part many weeks ago....

Just the traces on this layout are worth the built... ...forgot to take a shot of the actual pcb when i got it.. but here's the transfer, things where so artsy back then...

Ok.... to get this thing to properly works, there's some slight modification to perform on the circuit (value and part change) but you also need a +12V/-12V Bipolar PSU and an input buffer, using a klon buffer.

Matched 6 pack JFET came from Stomptown in a nice little semi-conductor trade we had going, thanks Jon! :)

The enlcosure came all prepp'd, Josh's OptoBypass, jacks and speed switch where all hooked when i got it... when you put your nose in the work of John... you fast realise that craftmanship can be brought at a totally other level.

So i did my best to stuff this box to be up to the game, wich i think i nailed.

It fired up first time, got the Bias, Balance and Feedback setup and sounded GREAT!!! though i have a little issue with my switching, inverted some wires, going to fix that... and then..... post the exterior ;)

Killing Unicorns, day after day...

Building a better world brick by brick:


That PCB layout is a work of art as is the gutshot!  Can't wait to see the outside and I'm glad you put those jfets to good use!  But the question is: What is it??????????????????????????????????


Quote from: Stomptown on December 24, 2014, 05:36:19 AM
That PCB layout is a work of art as is the gutshot!  Can't wait to see the outside and I'm glad you put those jfets to good use!  But the question is: What is it??????????????????????????????????

It's a Maestro PSA-1! 8)

Killing Unicorns, day after day...

Building a better world brick by brick:



Beautiful! I remember this one now. Me wants one!!!


Question: where do you get this trimmers and how is the quality? Also, are the pins spaces like the Bourne type?  They look sweet!


Thanks :) Found my small issue in the switching setup, had a MPF102 in opposite direction.... thing is just so lush and the ramping is a thing of beauty!

Quote from: Stomptown on December 24, 2014, 06:45:44 AM
Question: where do you get this trimmers and how is the quality? Also, are the pins spaces like the Bourne type?  They look sweet!

I buy those on ebay from a seller called EricCheung iirc, the quality is very good overall, i have some of those in pedals that i have played with the bias more than 50 times and they stay precise and have a firm feel to them, there's also a center detent when in the middle.. and from those i've tested prior to give them the ok, the notch is accurate too.

You have to work lugs 3 and 1 to make them fit in the Bourns pot spacing found on most DIY layouts, they have the spacing of the bigger ones, can't recall the model number from top of my head.

First time i saw those was in my BBD big box Maxon... really digged the look. :)

Killing Unicorns, day after day...

Building a better world brick by brick:


Rej, I would love more info on this some day. Your board came out great and the artwork is awesome also.



Quote from: selfdestroyer on December 24, 2014, 07:55:07 AM
Rej, I would love more info on this some day. Your board came out great and the artwork is awesome also.


Other than populating the boards and dropping them in the enclosure, i have'nt done much.... hehe

I'll come up with something to put in the Archive section of our support forum, there's couple projects that there's a common love for, among the grind crew that could get referenced in there....
Killing Unicorns, day after day...

Building a better world brick by brick:


The box looks fantastic, sooooo beautiful - thoughts on some pedals I made - sounds and jams



Whoa. Rej did a decal! :D

I love the look of the old handdrawn PCB traces. You could even put it on the outside of a case and people wouldn't guess it was the circuitboard at first.


Knobs? Knobs?! We don't need no stinking KNOBS!!! That looks incredible through and through. The PS-1 is the standard by which all phasers continue to be judged. Even the Mu-tron Bi-phase is said to have been designed around the sound of the PS-1.
Great work!


Quote from: GrindCustoms on December 24, 2014, 05:20:00 AM
So i got a board etched by Haderbasher, then took full of notes after chatting with Juan and refering to all the information on his Stompage... ...then came time about the enclosure, the type of effect this is, with no knobs just switches.... ...i thought that my finishing techniques would'nt be up to the Epicness of this built so i decided to go for the full monty!

I gave white card to John to design me an enclosure with the killer Envirotex technique that Cleggy got, deceived i was not... ...fucking amazed i surely was! ;D

So this was a group build, in effect? :)

I don't recall the details of the PSU for this one, does it run off 12VAC at the socket?
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- Terry Pratchett
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That's a very nice pedal! Kudos to the team.  ;D
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