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The Vibro Drive 4.0

Started by Cortexturizer, December 17, 2014, 12:09:50 PM

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Kuato lives!

This is my Vibro Drive 4.0 - it's the Cherrybomb and ROG Tri-vibe in one. The Tri-Vibe board came from TH Custom and is excellent.
What does the 4.0 stand for? Well, it was my fourth attempt at the Colorsound Overdriver circuit that I've never previously managed to make and be satisfied with it. I am completely satisfied with this one.

This was an old enclosure I had lying around, and decided to make use of it. It had holes on the side so I stuffed some screws in haha, looks awful from inside but kinda nice on the outside, dunno, I like it.
Also, eveything else was drilled, the pot holes, the holes for the switches, so given the setting that was well...set, I tried to make the best of it, and make the wiring as good as possible, haven't really succeeded but okay. It's VERY quiet, completely content noise-wise.

This pedal, along with the Drone Hog, is the first that features an actual Kuato appearance, and this is a trend that I will continue.

I've made a demo for the overdriver section before and you guys have heard it, but nonetheless here it is again - [soundcloud][/soundcloud]

 - thoughts on some pedals I made - sounds and jams


Love it!

They both look awesome. If this is the look you are going with for future builds then we are in for some treats.


That's some impressive work!  And it sounds amazing!  Well done.


Any mods to the cherry bomb circuit?

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
"my legend grows" - playpunk


well, no, no mods, except maybe for one cap around the bass control? I don't remember. I used BC184B transistors if I recall correctly. - thoughts on some pedals I made - sounds and jams


Sweet, looks great in its own right... Thinking that you re-used an existing layout makes it all the more impressive.
Really dig the design and choixe of knobs!



Oh man, too unfortunate this wasn't in the contest.  :'(

Don't even know where to start.
Looks amazing - love the knobs, control layout, art and FONT! Gotta tell us what font that is.

Not to mention the demo sounds sublime. I have to have one now.
"If you put all the knobs on your amplifier on 10 you can get a much higher reaction-to-effort ratio with an electric guitar than you can with an acoustic."
- David Fair


Thank you my fine gentlemen :)

Hah, I will carry the font secret with me to my grave :D

I honestly don't remember the exact name, it spells close to Ronaldo which is always my first association to the football player, but it's something like - Ronlado, Rolnado, something like that, I can't ever remember it. Surely a Google search on some of these variations will give some results. - thoughts on some pedals I made - sounds and jams


I love a good Total Recall reference!

Excellent execution, sir.
Partner and Product Developer at Function f(x).
My Personal Site with Effects Projects


That OD sounds great. Great playing too! I love the design of the enclosure; that faceplate ties all those different knobs together quite nicely.
Build guides of my original designs and modifications here


Yep, contest material for sure!  :)

BC184b, eh? Sounds great so I may have to see if I can hunt some down. Do you remember what the gains were like on those?


Thanks for the nice comments, really, I appreciate it.

The gains on these are something around 300 I think. 250-350, but definitely around 300-330 if I recall correctly. - thoughts on some pedals I made - sounds and jams


That demo.... that freaking demo. Man.

This one is on my list to build ASAP
"my legend grows" - playpunk


That's a very impressive look and an equally impressive demo! The Colorsound Overdriver was on my to do list already but it just jumped to the top!
...and then of course I've got this terrible pain in all the diodes down my left hand side...


Great pedal and very nice demo!
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