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Lunar Module or Screwdriver?

Started by k.rock!, May 21, 2011, 04:29:56 AM

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Ok, I've been noticing some people talk about the Lunar Module and I've seen a few built here as well...with the Cosmopolitan coming on the mail in a few days I'm just curious about these two pedals...

So what's the deal about these two? Is a Lunar Module a modified version of the Screwdriver? If so, can somebody post some info about this?

Maybe it would be handy to have another parts list on the documents for the new Cosmo? ;)


God bless!


I built both on the same vero layout. The screwdriver is much lower gain and has a little more midrange than the LM but both are voiced very similar. The LM has incredible amount of sustain compared to the SD. Both are very smooth. The LM doesn't clean up and sounds little less warm. The "Time" solo tone can almost be perfectly matched with the LM, I find its lower gain sounds slightly less useful. I think of the SD as maybe somewhere around Gilmour's rhythm tone as opposed to lead. The SD has a bit of a crackliness that I cant seem to dial out but sounds great nonetheless.   

You could probably build the LM on the Cosmo board with a little effort, several of the parts are different values and there are maybe 2 or 3 parts that are omitted or added between the two. Marc said that the first version of the screwdriver he built used three high gain BC109c's and that's where the two designs branched off but they are essentially the same topology. 


Interestingly I've built both and shoved them in the same enclosure. They're quite different. The LM is one of the nicest fuzzes I've ever heard. It's absolutely awesome. Then again so is the screwdriver, but that turns out more like an overdrive than a fuzz (I should have really called the fuzz on that side gain). They even work together, which was quite surprising. Two cracking pedals that are well worth a build. As is the Mayo.

Gnomepage - DIY effects library & stuff in the Stompage bit
"I excite very large doom for days" - playpunk


Quote from: juansolo on May 21, 2011, 05:59:47 AM
Interestingly I've built both and shoved them in the same enclosure. They're quite different. The LM is one of the nicest fuzzes I've ever heard. It's absolutely awesome. Then again so is the screwdriver, but that turns out more like an overdrive than a fuzz (I should have really called the fuzz on that side gain). They even work together, which was quite surprising. Two cracking pedals that are well worth a build. As is the Mayo.

+1 on the Mayo, that is the best sounding Muff Fuzz I've ever played. Has been a staple on my board for a very long time, very much worth building.


Thanks for the Mayo suggestion. That's one I still need to build. Interesting to find out the screwdriver and lunar module are so close in design. I built the guitarpcb Lunar Module clone and I really like it. Its a wild sounding fuzz pedals similar to muff but I'd say its different. The one I built has a 4th knob which I believe is body. The extra knob really lets me dial the tone in many ways to my liking.  :)
Owner and operator of Magic Pedals


Quote from: bigmufffuzzwizz on May 21, 2011, 05:40:42 PM
Thanks for the Mayo suggestion. That's one I still need to build. Interesting to find out the screwdriver and lunar module are so close in design. I built the guitarpcb Lunar Module clone and I really like it. Its a wild sounding fuzz pedals similar to muff but I'd say its different. The one I built has a 4th knob which I believe is body. The extra knob really lets me dial the tone in many ways to my liking.  :)

The LM is tighter and less buzzy than most muffs i've tried. You probably have the brilliance control on the outside, definitely a must. I put all the controls on the outside, I dont mess with the pre-gain as much but brilliance is always flying around. I love the LM, I sold my big box Fulltone '70 in favor of it.


Wow there is a LOT of fuzz knowledge in these answers! haha  :D Thanks guys! As always all of you have gone over and beyond the answer I was looking for.

Definitely will have to check out both LM and Mayo builds...I had completely forgotten that guitarpcb had a layout for it, so maybe I should've compared schematics before posting this thread haha  ??? woops! but nevertheless I'm happy to hear all those great suggestions and opinions about each.

Very cool guys! Thanks!

God bless!


Yes the guitarpcb board was very easy to build. I had the whole thing finished in just a few hours and boy was I happy with it!!

Quote from: JakeFuzz on May 21, 2011, 05:50:34 PM
The LM is tighter and less buzzy than most muffs i've tried. You probably have the brilliance control on the outside, definitely a must. I put all the controls on the outside, I dont mess with the pre-gain as much but brilliance is always flying around. I love the LM, I sold my big box Fulltone '70 in favor of it.

Yes it is tighter than the other muffs I've experienced. I'd say a more extreme ram's head almost. The brilliance control would be the internal trimpot? I actually don't have that one on the outside. The original layout has 4 knobs; vol, fuzz, body, and bright. I'm guessing body=tone and bright would be a presence knob or brilliance knob as your explaining. I just need to box mine now!
Have you built the fire red fuzz or muff diver? Those are the other two rarities I've been wanting to do.
Owner and operator of Magic Pedals


Quote from: bigmufffuzzwizz on May 21, 2011, 06:10:45 PM
Yes it is tighter than the other muffs I've experienced. I'd say a more extreme ram's head almost. The brilliance control would be the internal trimpot? I actually don't have that one on the outside. The original layout has 4 knobs; vol, fuzz, body, and bright. I'm guessing body=tone and bright would be a presence knob or brilliance knob as your explaining. I just need to box mine now!
Have you built the fire red fuzz or muff diver? Those are the other two rarities I've been wanting to do.

I've wanted to build the Fire Red, that thing sounds awesome. I've been on a germanium fuzz face kick lately, just experimenting with every possible combination of parts and other designs. My lunar module has all the same controls as the screwdriver but I think they all have different labels which is why I am probably misnaming them lol. Mine has a pre-gain control which controls the gain through the first transistor stage and just makes everything bitey and over the top. 


I really do think that Skreddy does make some of the best fuzzes out there. He takes tried and tested circuits then tweaks them to the nth degree creating something altogether different, but familiar. The Mayo is epic, what that thing does with bass is insane. We really did nearly blow apart a made in china orange 1x12 testing it. I'm not exaggerating.

The one I'd love to build however is the ?Lady. Possibly the most magnificent fuzz pedal I've ever heard. The thickest, yet still brilliantly defined thing ever. The only thing is getting the trannies for it. I really don't think there are any left which is why Skreddy stopped making it when he couldn't get any more in the right gain range. It's the one pedal I think I'd stick my hand in my pocket and buy. It was that good.
Gnomepage - DIY effects library & stuff in the Stompage bit
"I excite very large doom for days" - playpunk


Yes I have a FRF vero layout I'm gonna give a go cause converting the gruntbox was a little mind-numbing for me at least where i'm at right now. Fuzz face is a great circuit that I didn't begin to explore until recently. I've only built a silicon version but I love it! It sounds super smooth and sustain for days. Fits right into the BOG era sound.

Pre-gain knob sounds really useful! And both of you are making me want a Mayo spec muff now! That ? Lady muff sounds great as well. I investigated on the skreddy website and I believe its a violet rams head, or lams head as he says  :D
To anyone in question about building a Lunar Module..DO IT!!
Owner and operator of Magic Pedals


Quote from: bigmufffuzzwizz on May 21, 2011, 08:24:08 PM
Yes I have a FRF vero layout I'm gonna give a go cause converting the gruntbox was a little mind-numbing for me at least where i'm at right now. Fuzz face is a great circuit that I didn't begin to explore until recently. I've only built a silicon version but I love it! It sounds super smooth and sustain for days. Fits right into the BOG era sound.

Pre-gain knob sounds really useful! And both of you are making me want a Mayo spec muff now! That ? Lady muff sounds great as well. I investigated on the skreddy website and I believe its a violet rams head, or lams head as he says  :D
To anyone in question about building a Lunar Module..DO IT!!

I think everyone needs a germanium fuzz face. If I had to keep only one of my fuzz pedals... actually if I had to keep only one of ANY of my pedals it would be my Ge FF with the Fuller mods. Used CV7112's from small bear, I liked it so much that I built another one with OC140's and the CV7112's are still unparalleled in tone and texture despite the two transistors being somewhat identical. Ill do a demo in a few weeks. I recommend it above all else. 


Quote from: JakeFuzz on May 21, 2011, 10:21:29 PM

I think everyone needs a germanium fuzz face. If I had to keep only one of my fuzz pedals... actually if I had to keep only one of ANY of my pedals it would be my Ge FF with the Fuller mods. Used CV7112's from small bear, I liked it so much that I built another one with OC140's and the CV7112's are still unparalleled in tone and texture despite the two transistors being somewhat identical. Ill do a demo in a few weeks. I recommend it above all else. 

I agree about the ge fuzz face.  I like the sunface style with the bias control.  The only pedal that comes close for me is the mk1 tone bender ( if it is biased correctly). I found the same situation with the ge transistors for the fuzz face.  I tried several including an oc75 /76 pair which i thought would be the best, but preferred the cv7112s.


fuzz face all the way. If I could only keep 1 pedal it would be my red dot nkt 275 sunface. so many great tones in that little gold box. full on fuzz, nice od tones and sparkling slightly gritty cleans, all right there at your fingertips. super rsponsive to volume adjustments. awesome with single coils or split humbuckers. hands down the best pedal purchase purchase I ever made.
I got blisters on my fingers!!!


whoa you all seem to agree on this subject  :) A ge FF w/ CV7112's is in order!
Owner and operator of Magic Pedals