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Good soft-touch momentary switches

Started by dadler, December 07, 2014, 10:40:58 PM

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Hi all-

I have several 1776 finish line relay bypass boards (and a bunch more on the way), and I am converting most of my builds over to use these as they are spectacular.

However, I can't seem to find a soft touch switch (normally open, of course) that I actually like. The closest I can find, and I have a few of them, is the R13-85A1-05 which is common and made somewhere in asia. However, the build quality on these is pretty low (especially for the price).

I can live with the switch not being an actual footswitch, as long as it is pretty robust and operates really smoothly. I really enjoy extremely smooth operation in the hardware and high build quality.

The ones at PPP ( ) seem to be identical to the R13-85A1-05 switches. I think these are same ones that are all over eBay?

Any ideas? I have browsed and queried Mouser, but other than a couple of the Carling models (which have really strong springs in them, not soft touch at all), nothing looks appropriate for a pedal.

One mechanism I like, is what Tech21 uses in their para driver boxes. Let me see if I can take a pic of my para driver DI:

They use a PCB mounted click switch (it's really quiet though), and a panel mounted spring/footswitch assembly. I like the feel of this, but I have no idea where to source the panel mounted spring/switch assembly.


What about the actuator Small Bear sells for working with small board mounted momentaries.
"If you always do what you always did- you always get what you always got." - Unknown

If my photos are missing again... they're hosted by photobucket... and as of 06/2017 being held hostage... to be continued?


get the SCI ones from smallbear, they are serious quality.

oos at the moment of course...


Wow thanks for the link. I thought I had seen everything on SB.. guess not. I am going to grab a few of these and see if I can come up with an arrangement that will work nicely. Might have to get a bit creative, I am envisioning a U shaped bracket that tightens down with the linked actuator and holds a piece of perf.

Quote from: davent on December 08, 2014, 12:07:07 AM
What about the actuator Small Bear sells for working with small board mounted momentaries.


Hmm those look almost identical to the R13-85A1 switches I have. Maybe there are many, nearly-identical looking switches of varying quality? Do you know if these are different than the ones in the PPP link in the OP? I also found these:!/SPST-Soft-Touch-Momentary-Footswitch-Normally-Open-SHORT-SHAFT/p/30853627/category=5027572

I guess I'm a little dismayed--all the effort to have elegant relay switching, and then a seeming dearth of quality/elegant switches to activate the microcontroller.

Quote from: LaceSensor on December 08, 2014, 12:16:37 AM
get the SCI ones from smallbear, they are serious quality.

oos at the moment of course...


Small Bear i believe has an article on using those actuators however with the recent changes at the SB site the How-To articles and projects have yet to be put back up.

There's also Pancake switches at Geofex, i've something set up along those lines i just haven't gotten to putting it into use in a pedal, glaciers move faster.
"If you always do what you always did- you always get what you always got." - Unknown

If my photos are missing again... they're hosted by photobucket... and as of 06/2017 being held hostage... to be continued?


Quote from: dadler on December 08, 2014, 01:19:26 AM
Hmm those look almost identical to the R13-85A1 switches I have. Maybe there are many, nearly-identical looking switches of varying quality? Do you know if these are different than the ones in the PPP link in the OP? I also found these:!/SPST-Soft-Touch-Momentary-Footswitch-Normally-Open-SHORT-SHAFT/p/30853627/category=5027572

I guess I'm a little dismayed--all the effort to have elegant relay switching, and then a seeming dearth of quality/elegant switches to activate the microcontroller.

Quote from: LaceSensor on December 08, 2014, 12:16:37 AM
get the SCI ones from smallbear, they are serious quality.

oos at the moment of course...

no idea
but they should be branded SCi on the bottom
they are the same as what Dr SCientist use, and his pedals are bombproof


Carling momentary switches are also really good quality.

EDIT: Just read your original post again... Oops!

If it helps, I find the Carling switches to be 'soft' enough when pressed under foot.


I was thinking of going with these, even though the quality is low:

Anyone have any experience with these in particular?

They appear identical to the R13-85A1-05 I have a few of in hand. Then if I can find higher quality switches, I'll just swap them out. They are cheap enough.

The other option I was considering, is these:

And board mounting them, somehow. They are smaller and more versatile, but the quality is questionable. I have been working on a circuit similar to the 1776 finish line bypass, but with the switch board mounted as well. I might just pull the trigger and hope they don't suck that bad.


Quote from: dadler on February 01, 2015, 09:01:06 PM
I was thinking of going with these, even though the quality is low:

Anyone have any experience with these in particular?

They appear identical to the R13-85A1-05 I have a few of in hand. Then if I can find higher quality switches, I'll just swap them out. They are cheap enough.

The other option I was considering, is these:

And board mounting them, somehow. They are smaller and more versatile, but the quality is questionable. I have been working on a circuit similar to the 1776 finish line bypass, but with the switch board mounted as well. I might just pull the trigger and hope they don't suck that bad.
The first ones look like the cheap ones you get all over the net. They look like the ones I got from Tayda and are quite OK.
The second link, if they are the same I bought some time ago are not very good for momentary switches, very stiff and with a heavy chunky click.