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Gilmourizer II

Started by juansolo, December 07, 2014, 05:42:39 PM

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I'm really quite proud of this one.

I loved the Gilmourizer I made for Phil so immediately started making plans for a Mk2 version for me. The first time around I made my life miserable by squeezing too much into too small a box, so this one goes in the big 'un (1550G). Now I've got more space it's allowed me to take some different options on some of the effects. Ah the effects, there's six of them in here.

First in line is the compressor. It's the Grind Customs Rotten Komp again. The go to compressor based on a Lovesqueeze. It brings the sustain, and we also use it in this context for a little boost before the muff.

The DGM3 is built on a Grind Ultrastoner board. We've added it to the build doc for those that want a Gilmour flavored muff. What we did here was by process of elimination, try to figure out what his No1 muff was. Taking those values we then set up the shape control of the Ultrastoner board to be the standard muff all the way counter clockwise and just about a P19's mid hump fully clockwise. Sound wise we think it hits the mark a lot better that many things out there. Ridiculous sustain, great solo tone.

The output of the DGM3 goes through a ISP Decimator clone (Galego's layout fabbed by Haberdasher). This is because all the following effects amplify the low level noise from the muff. You could probably put up with it, but the gate eliminates this completely.

From there we hit the boost, a Madbean Fatpants mk1 (many thanks to Cooder for that). This again seems to work really well with what's gone before, not only thickening the sound, but allowing for some nice tone shaping with the body and soft switches (we added the latter as that was from the 2013 Fatpants).

Then we hit the effect that was missing from the Mk1 Gilmourizer due to a cronic lack of space; a CE-2 clone (Madbean Pork Barrel). Gotta have it.

Finally we have Madbean's magnificent ZeroPoint Double Delay. There's been a bit of tweakery here though. We've taken out the passive filtering and grafted in the active 'analogue' filter from the ZeroPoint Super Deluxe. To do this, knock the following together on vero:

To add it: Jumper R22. Omit C21. Connect filter in place of C20 (in goes on the pad connected to the ghost switch, out goes to the pad that goes to R22 and pin3 of mix). This also disables Path so all repeats are filtered rather than having an unfiltered first repeat. If you want path on, connect the filter in place of R22. Power and ground to the filter board come from the spare pads at the top of the ZPDD.

Talking of power, it's unwise to run multiple charge pumps on common power in the same enclosure. You can get heterodyning occurring, which is nasty. So there's a single Madbean Road Rage from which we're taking both an 18v feed for the Fatpants (we just omitted the charge pump and associated other components) and a 15v feed for the CE-2. With an LT pump on there it has plenty of grunt for both.

The next common multi problem we had was clock noise. With the CE-2 raised up to clear the Fatpants, the long legs on the pots were acting a bit like an aerial transmitter and the delay was picking up the clicks from the clock. We've had this before with the CE-2, it's a bit of a swine for it. In this case we've bent a sheet of metal (actually was RF shielding from something) between the CE-2 and delay. This shielding is then connected to ground. No more clicks.

Gnomepage - DIY effects library & stuff in the Stompage bit
"I excite very large doom for days" - playpunk


SWEET looking pedal Juan!  ;)

Surprised there is no Flanger in your Gilmour inspired pedal.  ???


Yeah John, that's super clean.

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Quote from: Govmnt_Lacky on December 07, 2014, 05:47:03 PM
SWEET looking pedal Juan!  ;)

Surprised there is no Flanger in your Gilmour inspired pedal.  ???

Limited to 5 stomps on a 1550G... Contemplated adding one on a switch with the CE-2, but one chunk of modulation in there is enough to deal with ;)
Gnomepage - DIY effects library & stuff in the Stompage bit
"I excite very large doom for days" - playpunk


Maaaannnn! Stacked awesomeness and graphics to kill! Brilliant! :o
Glad the board helped and made it in to this! Super sweet build! 8)
BigNoise Amplification


Quote from: cooder on December 07, 2014, 06:11:08 PM
Maaaannnn! Stacked awesomeness and graphics to kill! Brilliant! :o
Glad the board helped and made it in to this! Super sweet build! 8)

Yeah the fatpants is what's been holding this one up with bean being out of stock. I didn't really want to go with any other boost as it works so well in this. Bit of a lifesaver that one. Cheers!
Gnomepage - DIY effects library & stuff in the Stompage bit
"I excite very large doom for days" - playpunk


Seriously impressive, sir. I'm sure you could also fit a mini-Gilmour in there and just relax and let him play.
'My favorite programming language is solder' - Bob Pease

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This is piece of work, yours multi pedals are beautiful inside out. From time to time I visit  your blog and those pedals look really professional and inspiring..


Looks like someone is good at Tetris. lol

Awesome build.



I just showed this to my brother who is a huge Pink Floyd fan....he says to me, "holy crap this is awesome.  Can you build me one of those?"  I gave him my fuzz face clone and told him to kick rocks!   :o
Bravo my dear Juan. Bravo.
Follow me on Instagram under PharmerFx.


That's a serious masterpiece right there. Holy Wow!

I also love that there are 6 ladies & 6 effects. You've outdone yourself - and that's really saying something.
"If you put all the knobs on your amplifier on 10 you can get a much higher reaction-to-effort ratio with an electric guitar than you can with an acoustic."
- David Fair


They just get better and better John! It must be something in the beer up there. I'm a massive Gilmour fan, so if you could just pop it in the post now I should get it in time for Christmas.  ;D

I have a ZPDD board waiting to be built and it just got even more interesting with the filter mod, so thanks very much for sharing yet again. I'm finally finishing off my P19 and now I'm slightly disturbed to find myself wanting to build a DGM3 already. But then everyone should have a full range of Gilmouresque muffs to choose from, right? (Just remembered the unfinished Pink Flesh type thing... Oops).

I wish I'd known about the Decimator boards sooner. I tried find one for a Christmas pressie multi I'm building for my son but I failed. It's probably too late to get one and the chips here in time for the build now. Unless you have a spare? Alternatively you could pull that one out for me...   ...on the other hand maybe not.

That thing is full of awesome goodness but I have to say that there is something particularly nice about the neat little row of opto boards along the bottom. Enjoy it!
...and then of course I've got this terrible pain in all the diodes down my left hand side...


If anyone else tried that, same configuration, same 3D board layout, it'd look like a blimmin' mess. But you make it look elegant and clean :)
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- Terry Pratchett
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Incredible planning and execution here. Genius shielding.


If anyone else built this, there's no way you'd be able to see the bottom of the enclosure. Really amazing work.