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Setting a pedalboard order

Started by HailToTheBlues, December 07, 2014, 03:16:09 PM

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Hi guys,
I'm close to finish all the pedals i want on the pedalboard i'm set, and now i need some help on setting their order. Of course i'll experiment as well, butit would be cool to have a starting point. So i need to set these pedals:
a mccoy wah wah; a germanium and silicon fuzz face (same box); a retrograde octavia; a smothie (phase 45); a low rider; an harbinger one (univibe); and a zero point mini (delay). I also built a buffer pedal, in case i needed at the end of the chain for keeping the guitar tone.
So any suggestion will be welcomed!

Best regards


The order you wrote them in, except I'd put the lowrider right after the wah instead. Otherwise, the order is fine.

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Basically a great order I wolud think, one difference is that I prefer the Univibe/Harbinger before the dirt/fuzz.
The Lowrider I have after the fuzz and like that. So that would be my differences to what Jakob said.
Experimenting is always good.
BigNoise Amplification


I'm finding that phaser/modulation *after* the delay works well.
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Make sure your McCoy wah has a buffer, otherwise a fuzz face circuit will not work after the wah, only before. Also, I found delays tend to sound better IMHO before your wah pedal, otherwise the delay will also have the wah-effected sound in the repeats, which can sound kind of corny.


I don't think there is a particular order in which effects pedals should be placed, just a general guideline. Which from the top of my mind seems to be treble boost/some fuzzes > tuner >pitch shift > filters/wah > boost to jack up dirt pedals for more dirt > dirt (exception being some fuzzes which want to be at the front) > boost to make things louder like in solos > modulation > delay > reverb. Whatever sounds best to your ear however should be the ultimate rule. I know that Tom Morello runs all his effects in his JCM800 effects loop, including his wah, which means everything comes after dirt, and that Jonny Greenwood runs his dirtpedals more or less at the end of his chain.


I am pretty sure the octavia has to go before the fuzz face for the best sound. I like my phasers after the dirt so I'd suggest you put the smoothie that way, and as someone said, harbinger before the fuzz. pretty sure the lowrider should go after the octavia
so, harbinger - octavia - lowrider - fuzz face - and then all the rest
this is how I do it and it serves me well - thoughts on some pedals I made - sounds and jams


I was always Tuner, Wah, OD, Dist, Modulation, Delay, Reverb, but after hearing the Lazerwolf and the reasoning behind putting the phaser in front of the dirt (ie the EVH pedals into a dimed amp), I may be a convert to that..


thank you for the suggestion so far, they will be really usefull! I have just a question: the order of the pedals, as they are all true bypass, only matters if i want to use specific pedals at the same, isn't it?


Yes, since they are all true bypass, you won't run into any problems with the interaction between the pedals if you use one at a time. It will only do some potentially weird things if you try multiple pedals at once; depending on the order they're in. Sometimes those weird interactions can sound pretty good though!