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Jonesing wicked bad over here

Started by flanagan0718, December 04, 2014, 07:41:19 PM

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So, my wife and I just bought a house and I haven't touched an Iron in like 4 weeks. I'm DYING over here. I keep buying parts and boards, but my "lab" is still waiting to be unpacked and set up. Its starting to drive me nuts! on top of that I have 3 pedal requests that I need to finish up. urrg!   >:(   sorry guys just needed to vent a little.


Totally know what you mean. I haven't had nearly enough time because of our move this fall either. I've gotten some things done, but I've also had to farm out some work because I couldn't do it myself!

Keep with it brother. Soon you'll be back at it again.

JMK Pedals - Custom Pedal Creations
JMK PCBs *New Website*
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Hey neighbor!  If you need me to assemble a few boards for you, I'd be happy to help out.


Moving sometime in the next three - four months, so most of my non essential stuff is packed up as well.  Been way too busy with work (11 - 12 hour days, just end up going to bed when I get home).  Haven't built in months, but there's enough stuff unpacked that I should get some building done over the holiday break.  Heading up to site for two years in the new year, so I get every third week off, so there will either be a lot of guitar playing/pedal building coming up, or none at all.
The only known cure in the world for GAS is death.  That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.


Quote from: bcalla on December 04, 2014, 08:39:03 PM
Hey neighbor!  If you need me to assemble a few boards for you, I'd be happy to help out.

Thanks for the offer. Luckily the builds I have in cue are good friends of mine and don't mind waiting. Maybe ordering parts and boards was a bad decision. Now I have a bunch of parts plus 2 twin peaks, a hogweed, big daddy, and a few others just staring at me. Almost like they are mocking me.


Sorry to hear that Mike, but think how awesome it will be with the man cave to build in.

Also, I should have the TAPLFO's done for you this weekend. My Mouser order should be here Saturday.



Quote from: selfdestroyer on December 04, 2014, 11:56:53 PM
Sorry to hear that Mike, but think how awesome it will be with the man cave to build in.

Also, I should have the TAPLFO's done for you this weekend. My Mouser order should be here Saturday.


Yeah I am pretty pumped to have my own Man Cave!!! also just email or message me and i'll be sure to get you the funds for the TAPLFOs