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LFO volume pedal mod.

Started by turkeypills, December 03, 2014, 08:23:55 PM

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Hello forum,

My names Mike. This is my first post but I have been utilizing this wealth of knowledge for sometime now.  I have two successful builds and one potential KIA but I am pushing onward as I am very interested in learning this craft.  I also have a lot of crazy/potentially awesome ideas.

The first of which is a Volume pedal mod.  It it possible run an LFO circuit without the switch in an "always on position".  The idea is that I can have the pedal in the "mute position" to eliminate the oscillation (ideally with zero to minimal tone suck) and then just rock forward to engage the LFO.

Does something like this exist?



Welcome aboard :-)

I'm not sure I understand your question correctly though.
Do you mean to have an expression pedal with and LFO output to control other pedals?


What I have in my head is this: Essentially a modded Ernie Ball VP with an LFO circuit inside the enclosure.  The expression pedal pot would then control the rate. Surely this could be done with an adjacent switch box, but can it be done so that when the expression pedal is rocked back both the rate and the wet signal are essentially at 0.  As you rock forward the rate picks up and the effect engages.

Pipe dream or doable?


Been spending too much time on muffwiggler... easiest way to do it would be to have a jack wired for an expression pedal to provide a control voltage to two VCA's, one to control the output from the LFO, the other to control the amount of wet signal (or maybe a crossfading vca for that one if you want it to go from alldry/nowet to allwet/nodry.)

There's probably a simpler way, though!
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