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Low rider 2015?

Started by HailToTheBlues, December 03, 2014, 03:05:49 PM

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Hi guys,
I wanted to know if anyone could tell me, maybe Brian, just how different will be the Low rider 2015 from the previous version?

Best Regards


There's a post on the madbean facebook page about it:

"Lowrider 2015 ed. This one has been re-designed with a totally new upper octave section."


Low Rider 2015 will be the same octave/two octave down. It has a totally new octave up section, as well as an additional mixing stage for the four outputs.


Thanks for the answers! But since i was going to populate the 2011 version, because i already bought the parts and pcb, could i mod it somehow to improve it?


I would follow the suggestions in the build doc concerning the upper octave part. There's not much else you can do with is what it is. And, it's not bad sounding by any means. It does add texture when used with the down octaves even though the upper octave is not very prominent. That's just the Pearl Octaver design.

I will be getting the prototypes for the 2015 ver. pretty soon. If it works out, I will probably offer some of the extras for sale cheap until I get the first batch manufactured. So, if the upper octave thing is really important to you maybe wait just a bit before populating your board.


Well, if the only section that is more enhanced is the upper octave, i'll be happy with the 2011 version, because my intention is to use the low octave and sub octave with fuzzes and stuff like that, the upper octave is not that important for me, for the upper octave sounds i already have a retrograde, i just find it to dirty, even on the lowest setting of the fuzz knob, is there a way to clean it up a bit?


You can reduce the fuzz on the Retrograde by lowering a couple of the electrolytics, I bet. Specifically, I would reduce C3 and C5. Maybe down as far as 1uF. Haven't tried it so I cannot make a precise suggestions.


ok then, thanks for the suggestion, i'll try those and see how it turns out