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Utility Switch Box

Started by pickdropper, December 02, 2014, 01:43:54 PM

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This isn't terribly exciting but it is something that should prove useful.  I am redoing my PT-2 board at work and I wanted a box with the following functionality:

1.)  Channel switching

2.)  Effects loop that can be bypassed with a footswitch.

3.)  A toggle switch that reroutes the effect loop so that it's straight through in case I want to use the board with another amp that doesn't have an effects loop.  So basically, loop mode is IN --> OUT and then separately has the loop, pass mode has IN --> SEND and then RETURN --> OUT.

I haven't installed it yet, but it tests out so that it should work.  My main concern is that the the grounds are all shared (except on the channel switcher which is isolated) so there could be ground loops.  If there is, I will have to cut a new top plate and add a second 3PDT toggle that switches the grounds.  I decided to keep it simple first and see if there is an issue.

I decided not to try and hide the wires on this one.  I just felt like doing something different.

Function f(x)
Follow me on Instagram as pickdropper


Well...if you need a utility box...better make it awesome looking!!!!!

Top notch....
Contract PCB designer


Awesome.. go big or go home!

Love the flow chartesq artwork.



Very cool and super tidy! Love the look of course! What's not to be excited about that, Dave?
Doesn't always need lotsa smd parts to be just right. ;)
BigNoise Amplification


Goodo, what's the thinking behind the two power jacks?


Quote from: mmlee on December 02, 2014, 05:54:34 PM
Goodo, what's the thinking behind the two power jacks?

Daisy chain?
"If you always do what you always did- you always get what you always got." - Unknown

If my photos are missing again... they're hosted by photobucket... and as of 06/2017 being held hostage... to be continued?


Guess so, just figured the daisy chain cable would do.


Yep, it's for daisy chaining the power.  This only needs power for the LED on the loop switcher so it will draw almost nothing; no problem to power another pedal with the same line.

And yes, a daisy chain cable would work just as well, this just allows me to keep the wires a bit shorter and (hopefully) a bit neater on the board.

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Function f(x)
Follow me on Instagram as pickdropper


Looks great! it took me about 10 min to work through the wiring and realize what this thing is really supposed to do, but I figured it out in the end ;)

another question though: as I don't have a dual channel amp, I never gave it much thought, but how's the LED supposed to glow without power? From what I see, the switch just connects tip and sleeve with the LED in between. Is one of the lugs on the power rail?
I build pedals to hide my lousy playing.

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Another question for you Dave, the lock rings on the LED lens, is that something you've improvised, the ones i purchase are black and of greater depth then those on your build?

Thanks Dave! Looks terrific!
"If you always do what you always did- you always get what you always got." - Unknown

If my photos are missing again... they're hosted by photobucket... and as of 06/2017 being held hostage... to be continued?


Quote from: m-Kresol on December 02, 2014, 10:21:06 PM
Looks great! it took me about 10 min to work through the wiring and realize what this thing is really supposed to do, but I figured it out in the end ;)

another question though: as I don't have a dual channel amp, I never gave it much thought, but how's the LED supposed to glow without power? From what I see, the switch just connects tip and sleeve with the LED in between. Is one of the lugs on the power rail?

The voltage source is at the amp.  The switch just completes the circuit.
Function f(x)
Follow me on Instagram as pickdropper


Quote from: davent on December 02, 2014, 10:36:45 PM
Another question for you Dave, the lock rings on the LED lens, is that something you've improvised, the ones i purchase are black and of greater depth then those on your build?

Thanks Dave! Looks terrific!

Hey Dave,

It's the spacer that's designed for the part that I use.  I got the part number off of their datasheet.

It's not ideal as it is still possible for the bezel to slide up a little bit due to the thin aluminum walls of the box, but at least it gives a way for it to be mounted.  I often lock them in place with a little bit of cyanoacrylate (which I did here).

VCC has a bunch of Fresnel lenses.  My new favorite has comes with the lens, lock washer and screw down nut.  That thing doesn't go anywhere.  It only works with PCB mount LEDs as there is no snap retention on the lens itself.  It's also much more expensive and a little bigger, but worth it for the right application.
Function f(x)
Follow me on Instagram as pickdropper


Quote from: cooder on December 02, 2014, 05:50:52 PM
Very cool and super tidy! Love the look of course! What's not to be excited about that, Dave?
Doesn't always need lotsa smd parts to be just right. ;)

+1, though a few smd parts in the right places can't hurt either😉
Dig the faceplate
always the beautiful answer who asks a more beautiful question.
e.e. cummings


Nice work.  Good to see you post a build, Dave.  I bought some of those square fresnel lenses a few months back but can't seem to work them in to anything.  But it looks like with the right graphics they can work well with the usual round shape of knobs and switches.  Thanks for flicking the switch on that mental light bulb for me.


Well thought out and beautifully executed. I suspect thst it will get a lot more use than many builds with a high parts count.
...and then of course I've got this terrible pain in all the diodes down my left hand side...