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This new Dr. Scientist is killing it!

Started by Cortexturizer, December 01, 2014, 10:32:43 AM

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the fuzz sounds glorious and in conjuction with the filters is just damn nasty. love everything about this. - thoughts on some pedals I made - sounds and jams


Got one of the first run 'acid etch' boxes and it is awesome.

I also have an elements.

They are my 'aspire to' pedals. Trying to match any build, PCB layout etc. up against Dr Scientist's work is an improvement driver for me to try and get better  ;)


What a versatile great sounding box! Wouldn't mind a look under the hood, there must be tons of 'clever tiny stuff' I assume...
How do they pull that off in that format...?
BigNoise Amplification


Hm, so this is not that new then??
I was under the impression that this was uber recent. Oh well.
Cooder, yeah there's ton of stuff inside, I think I saw a mention of FV-1 effect processor somewhere. I would buy this for the filters only. The fact that it's fantastic at all the other stuff as well is just an additional treat! - thoughts on some pedals I made - sounds and jams


Yeah it's been around for a while now. It's FV1 based as mentioned.

The filters are ok, but I personally prefer analogue filters more than DSP.

It is an awesome box of tricks though. Many companies would probably release the algorithms as seperate effects, but you get the whole lot with the bitquest.

In short... buy one  ;D



ive got a first run acid etch, too

cool ass pedal
hell of a lot of engineering in all dr scientist pedals
the Cosmichorus v3 is pinnacle however


My word that cosmichorus is really a monster engineering feat...  :o
BigNoise Amplification


Incredible stuff for sure.
Gotta get that bit quest some day. Everybody is crazy over Iron Ether Xerograph Deluxe for filtering but imho this sounds good enough and as raulduke mentioned it packs some awesome stuff as well into it. - thoughts on some pedals I made - sounds and jams


That thing does sound pretty amazing, especially since they packed so much into one box. If you want some crazy, sputtery, gated fuzz sounds out of something cheap and massively easy to build, try a modded ESR graphic fuzz. If you connect a 10k pot between pins 1 and 5, with the wiper to ground, you can adjust your offset null on the 741. You will find some very interesting fuzz sounds there, including one that sounds like an EHX micro synth.


How did they do the thru-zero flange thing????
Gordy Power
How loud is too loud?  What?


I'll have to say that Ryan at Dr. Scientist is one of the coolest and nicest guys in the entire pedal effects industry. He's actually as nice as he is creative and talented.

A couple years back, I was talking to him about the Reverberator (which is a great pedal), and he actually sent me the DSP chips so I could play around with the built-in programs. And then he traded a Reverberator to me for one of my DIY Muff builds straight up. What a dude.
Partner and Product Developer at Function f(x).
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Is that Cosmichorus on a OSH PCB?

Dr Scientist's layouts have always been EXTREMELY impressive, I can't think of many other designers offhand that make your jaw drop like that.
"A man is not dead while his name is still spoken."
- Terry Pratchett
My OSHpark shared projects
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I doubt it, other fabs do purple I imagine.


If any of you guys are on Instagram, they have lots of impressive gutshots on the Dr. Scientist account.