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Flintlock, Easy Peazy, and The Beast

Started by gordo, November 23, 2014, 01:59:51 AM

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Wife has been out of town all week so I've had a chance to get a few projects wrapped up:

This is the Flintlock Flanger.  Little bit of troubleshooting (thanks Scruffie), and took advice to pickup a DMM with a frequency counter.  Made the setup very painless.  Total rip-off of the original graphics.

Here's The Beast.  The thought of stripping 18 little wires gives me a rash, but makes for a nice clean build.  This is a great overdrive.

You can see I've backed off of powder-coating and painting lately.  This next one is the Easy Peazy and figured as long as I was using the mojo caps I'd copy the graphics.  Obviously this one stays in my possession as I don't think it's ethical to clone enclosures but wanted to get as close as I could  ::)

Gordy Power
How loud is too loud?  What?


Very nice and super executed! Great builds, great look! 8)
BigNoise Amplification


Thanks Cooder.  Per Black Horse directives it will be the last overdrive pedal I build  :D

A couple of follow up notes.  I'm not a fan of Tube Screamers or Klons but I have to admit that these circuits compliment each other very nicely.  Running at +9/-9 gives them plenty of headroom and the Maxon 820 has more drive than a stock 808.  Works nicely to set as a gainey sound, one as a cleaner sound and use both as a lead sound.  I think it's a nicer combo than the King of Tone approach, and ironically this one will be bumping my Black Horse DualDrive 2 off of my live rig.

The Flintlock is just crazy cool.  I have to work with the trimmers to get rid of a bit of residual distortion but using Haberdasher and Scruffie's recommendation of the DMM to lock onto the clock frequencies took a little time but was painless.  I snagged a brand new one for $28 and while it's no Fluke, it does a really nice job.  This is hands down the best flanger I've played and I've lusted after an original A/DA for going on 35+ years.  Seeing Pat Travers live back in the mid-70's locked that sound in my head.  It's taken me this long to finally get one and while the delay chip is different, it's too damn close to complain about.

The EM, hype or not (and I have no opinion either way), is just cool.  I don't think it's any cooler than a lot of the boosts floating around this place but it's built and cased and I'll use it.  Makes my low power tweed twin go nuts and while "transparent" is way over used, this is transparent. 
Gordy Power
How loud is too loud?  What?



Sweet!  Very clean.

I'm a huge pt fan, though I wasn't old enough to see him until 86-87
always the beautiful answer who asks a more beautiful question.
e.e. cummings



"Wife has been out of town all week so I've had a chance to get a few projects" hahahaahah!

Excellent work !!! I really liked it!

Where did you get these capacitors?

What technique did you use to "decorate" the pedals ?. Tell us more, please.




All three looking great. Love the wiring on the A/DA (although you might want to add the diagonal wire to ground your effect input when bypassed).

Never heard of the EM, but having only 7 parts in total this is pretty cool  8)
I build pedals to hide my lousy playing.

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Really professional pedal. Inside and outside.
Be proud of them.
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The graphic on the A/DA makes me jealous. Really nice job on all of them.
Affiliations: Music Unfolding (, software based effects and Rock•it Frog (, DIY effects (coming soon).


woo hoo!  all those look great.
what kind of jacks are those on the flintlock, i can't tell.
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Quote from: Haberdasher on November 23, 2014, 03:16:24 PM
woo hoo!  all those look great.
what kind of jacks are those on the flintlock, i can't tell.
They look like the PCB mount type that Marshall uses in their solid-state series of amps. Smallbear carries them if that's what they are. I've had a hard time finding them anywhere else.
Affiliations: Music Unfolding (, software based effects and Rock•it Frog (, DIY effects (coming soon).


Quote from: RobA on November 23, 2014, 04:37:46 PM
Quote from: Haberdasher on November 23, 2014, 03:16:24 PM
woo hoo!  all those look great.
what kind of jacks are those on the flintlock, i can't tell.
They look like the PCB mount type that Marshall uses in their solid-state series of amps. Smallbear carries them if that's what they are. I've had a hard time finding them anywhere else.
ah yeah, it must be these then.
i have some of those around here somewhere, i didn't realize sb was still carrying them, iirc they were out of stock for a long time.
welp, add those to the list of jacks that can be used for 1590bb flintlock builds. :)
Looking for a discontinued madbean board?  Check out my THREAD

Now carrying Matched JFETS


Yeah, the jacks were from SB.  I had to carve one of the square edges off to get one to fit.  The DMM was the ticket.  Went from a cool sounding pedal to a crazy good sounding pedal.  I didn't know enough about what I was seeing on the scope to tell what I was doing and I think I might have it setup a little too clean.  I use a Line6 MM4 for my live board and this gets a guest spot for when I need it.  The kicker on this thing is the threshold control.  I didn't realize what that meant till I started playing around with it.

Graphics were ripped off from a front shot of the original.  I used the laser paper from PPP to make a waterslide over a raw (but scrubbed) Tayda box.  I'll send a copy of the artwork over to Haberdasher if he wants to distribute it.  Kudos to him for the board.  This is a tight build but really well thought out and would have gone on without a hitch had I not jacked up the diodes in the power supply.  Still not sure what I did but Scruffie walked me thru it.  A lot of work has gone into this, starting with Moose and so very finely tuned by Haberdasher that I needed to build this one whether I used it or not.  It was on my bucket list and TOTALLY worth the effort.  The EM and the Beast are exactly what my board needed but the FL is total icing.

I got the board and caps from Murdog47, who's pretty close to me here in Chicago-land.  Board was built up already and I only had to plop it into a case.  I spent a few weeks with an original when they first hit the market (for serious $$$) and wrote it off as hype.  Honestly I think that any of the boosters around here could do at least as well but I used it in my live rig this morning and it pushed my old Lab Series L5 into fits and as I get a cloned Low Power Tweed Twin into full time service will likely do even better.  Not a big mojo parts believer, but this thing sounds pretty cool.  I really think a Bacon Bits or Sparkle Boost would do equally as good but they didn't really grab my ear like this one.  Mojo?  Or do I just want it to be mojo?  Jury is out.  Cool to have a Murdog47 build though so I'll chalk the mojo to him.

Gordy Power
How loud is too loud?  What?