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Post your stupid mistakes here

Started by Willybomb, November 20, 2014, 01:39:27 PM

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Just spent an hour (at least.  I'd returned to my Equinox II vero after 6 months, and failed, deciding I'd rock the compressor) debugging a DOD 280 compressor on vero.  Found I'd put a tranny in backwards, fixed that, still no signal.

Found I'd failed to solder an IC socket leg....


Expecting a pedal with no IC's inserted in the sockets to work...  ;)

Contract PCB designer


On one of my amp builds, I somehow connected a cathode bypass cap to the B+. "Hissssssss, pop!"


Quote from: gtr2 on November 20, 2014, 01:51:00 PM
Expecting a pedal with no IC's inserted in the sockets to work...  ;)


I did something similar. After an hour or so of cussing at an Echo Base I realized that there were no transistors and I forgot to put the PT2399 in.  :-[
I then shut off my Iron and went to bed.


Been a while, and im pretty sure ive shown it in some earlier "mistake-thread"... but this is... hrrm... a bit of a mistake :o

Yes i still have Blüe Monster pcb-s for sale!

...and checkout:

Maple Larynx

Trying to figure out why I got no 'repeats' in a delay build, only to find out I had the PT2399 chip in backwards.  Thankfully, that mistake didn't toast anything.


Building a Pnp fuzz face with a charge pump and not connecting the ff to said charge pump

Forgetting to insert ICs and or transistors

I could go on all day



Building a solid-state, a friend and me managed to have a cold solder joint at the output and a lifted trace at the input without noticing it for 1.5h.
His comment "I think having an input and an output might help"
I build pedals to hide my lousy playing.

My projects are labeled Quantum Effects. My shared OSH park projects:
My build docs and tutorials


Soldered my output to ground a number of times too..


Modded a wah recently and had plugged my guitar into the output and my amp into the input.  Trouble shot for an hour or so, went to bed, got up and tried it again.  No dice.  Nice fellow on this forum pointed out my mistake.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


My favorite most recently is when I'm testing the completed pedal on the amp and it's upside down with the back off, I plug the guitar into the output and the amp into the input, and then wonder why I'm only getting bypass.


Quote from: midwayfair on November 20, 2014, 05:07:57 PM
My favorite most recently is when I'm testing the completed pedal on the amp and it's upside down with the back off, I plug the guitar into the output and the amp into the input, and then wonder why I'm only getting bypass.

This is, by far, my most common mistake.
Function f(x)
Follow me on Instagram as pickdropper



Over the course of three days lost, track of the number of times i re-wrote the lettering until i tossed in the towel and said enough. Gouache paint, washes off with water even after dried so super easy to rework. After all those rewrites and so few options you'd think i'd get the pot order right, nope wrong labels... maybe why i often don't bother with legending.

"If you always do what you always did- you always get what you always got." - Unknown

If my photos are missing again... they're hosted by photobucket... and as of 06/2017 being held hostage... to be continued?