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Good delay project for a newb?

Started by ThurberMingus, November 11, 2014, 12:22:18 AM

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Hey all, I just got into pedal building recently and I have so far built a few vero layouts from Tagboard Effects with some relative success. I really want to do some PCBs for my next two builds, I wanted to build a Kingslayer and a delay, but I'm not sure where to start. I was gonna do a Cavedweller, with the low parts count it seemed like a pretty straightforward build, but with them being out of stock for the time being I was wondering what would be a good alternative? I really like modulated delays and plan on building a Hamlet+ when I have a few more builds under my belt, I don't wanna mess with tap tempo until I feel more confident.

I was looking at the Zero Point Mini and the Multiplex Jr, would either of those be too complex for my tiny brain? I feel pretty confident as is, but I would just like some input from some more experienced builders around here, which would you do if you were me? I want to build a simple delay just to have one, not looking for anything too crazy, I have a DL4, RE20, and DD20, so I have a ton of delay. I just want to have a board full of stuff that I built !  ;D

For frame of reference, the circuits I've built so far are the DAM Meathead with switchable caps, Effdub Flapjack OD, and Basic Audio Scarab Deluxe from the Tagboard effects layouts.

Also, first post! I'm really looking forward for my progression into this hobby, so far I almost like it more than actually playing guitar!  :P


That looks perfect! Thanks I will definitely pick that up next time I order parts!


The Jules Caverne is nice . You could go with the tonepad Rebote 2.5. I've built a few. They are pretty strait forward and sound great too.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


The ZP mini really isn't too much more difficult than the Cave Dweller overall. It's more components but that's really just a matter of taking your time. The active filtering makes for a really good sounding PT2399 delay, and the modulation is a nice addition. Really, the most likely thing to have issues with in a PT2399 is the delay chip itself, which doesn't change no matter how much extra stuff you have going on.

The Multiplex Jr. is a similar level of complexity. Really the only thing that could trip you up in that is the photocell for the modulation, but as long as you use the specified part, you're good there.

Both of these are one step above the rebote/deep blue delay (which are essentially the circuit in the datasheet for the PT2399) in that they have LFOs, but the LFOs in these are pretty bulletproof and any debugging would be pretty rare.


Welcome to the forum!  Personally, I'd go with with the MP Jr. or the ZPDD (not the micro one).  Only reason on the DD vs the micro is you don't (IIRC) need 1/8 watt resistors to build it.  I'd take the MP Jr over the ZP, but you can't go wrong either way.

Whatever you do, don't build a vero delay.  It's really, really, really not worth the effort and the $8 you save in not buying a PCB.
The only known cure in the world for GAS is death.  That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.


I briefly contemplated doing the vero layout of the Cavedweller, but quickly decided against it. Out of my options I am most intrigued by the MP Jr, so it looks like I will be ordering one of those when I do my next parts order! Where do you guys like to source PT2399s from? I saw an eBay auction with 10 for $6, would that be a decent route to take? I plan on building a few more PT delays and it wouldn't hurt to have a small batch to pick from.

I'd also like to incorporate a 'slam' switch using a momentary FS, can anyone explain how to wire one of those up for me? Preferably with a diagram, as I am a visual person. Sorry if this is a redundant question, I tried Google but couldn't really find what I was looking for.

Thanks for all the help so far, I'm really looking forward to progressing and sharing my work with this awesome community! Special shout out to Midwayfair,  I absolutely love your work and plan on building one of your Hamlet+ delays when I'm less skittish about using a $20 component  ;D

I suppose I should also ask about the Kingslayer II while I have you all here. It should be an easy enough build for a beginner right? I've done three vero layouts so far without much trouble,  so I'm sure I can put one together with relative ease, I just like to have a second opinion about stuff like this!


I haven't built as many projects as many of the other guys so I won't try to steer you on the delay project.  The deep blue delay is fine, the Multiplex is a great project and the Hamlet is still in my box waiting to be built but I expect greatness.  Just make sure you post whatever you build when you're done.

As for the PT2399 source, I'm sure I've seen some threads about that out there and people seem to have strong opinions.  Personally, I've used cheap ones from Tayda and haven't been disappointed yet.


Quote from: das234 on November 12, 2014, 02:18:33 AM
As for the PT2399 source, I'm sure I've seen some threads about that out there and people seem to have strong opinions.  Personally, I've used cheap ones from Tayda and haven't been disappointed yet.

     I also use the cheap ones. My advice is to buy a bunch. I think they are still only $.59 (@ tayda). Make sure you socket the ICs...ALWAYS! When I need one I usually order 4 or 5 that way I have spares and can test them to find the best sounding in the circuit.
     I've built a bunch of delays, one of my favorites is the Cave Dweller. Check with Haberdasher He might be able to etch one for you. I've built a Vero of the Rebote 2.5 from It was pretty straight froward and worked right away. I've built quite a few vero boards though, a delay on vero might not be the best way to go for a beginner.
    These guys here have never given bad advice to me and have always steered me in the right direction. They/we are always willing to help to. So if you are having any issues make sure you post in the "Tech Help". Good luck and remember to have fun with it.


Just finished populating rullywow's Jules Caverne and I'm very happy with it. I'm also easing my way into delays. I built the cave dweller with an infinite repeat footswitch and it went pretty well. Not as clean as the Jules Caverne, but still a lot of fun. The MP Jr. is next on the list for me, followed by the Multiplex.

So, welcome to the forum...good luck building...and here's the wiring I did for my "slam" switch. Cant remember where I found it, but I'm guessing it was probably Jon (Midwayfair)
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