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Aquaboy level drop

Started by Christof, October 29, 2014, 11:23:46 PM

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Just noticed that my (15V MN3008) Aquaboy DX build is losing 6dB from input to output. Sounds great otherwise.
Haven't boxed it up yet, no on-off switch yet so I'm not sure if this subjectively an issue yet, but with an input level of 6V pk-pk (about the limit before clipping), I have 8V p-p on the expandor output but only 3V p-p at the output of the board.
Is this typical? Could anyone advise how to add some makeup gain within the existing circuit?


Reducing R8 & R38 equally will be the easiest way to add level, adding extra gain at the output will require recalculating the output de-emphasis.
Works at Lectric-FX


awesome, thanks- I'll give that a shot!