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Build #52 - Tight Chugger

Started by Kunfuz, October 29, 2014, 03:19:01 PM

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Holy chuckbuick, it works!! :twisted:
This is an Amptweaker Tight Metal, with an added Gate-knob, built on chuckbuicks board for 1/8 resistors, I used 1/4 cause I love teepees.
Added a 7660S charge pump on vero to give it 18V of death.
This sounds freakin awesome, everything from creamy leads to deathmetal in this one.
Will replace my metalmuff on my metalboard for my band Talion, and I will use it for leads in Obrero too!
Thank you so much again chuckbuick :D
Will record demo later this week!

Bonuspoints if you recognise the movie poster  ;D


My favourite part of your builds is that the number just keeps getting higher. I wish I had kept track better! 52 is a pretty great milestone.

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still loving my smd build of this one from chuckbuick

one of my favorite dirt boxes
always the beautiful answer who asks a more beautiful question.
e.e. cummings


Quote from: wgc on October 29, 2014, 05:04:53 PMone of my favorite dirt boxes
Yes!  Mine too.

I owe Kunfuz an apology.  By board-mounting all the pots and switches I'm afraid I drastically reduced his per-build wire quota.

And I have no idea what movie the poster is from.


Ha, funny to think someone might actually enjoy wiring! Though clearly some do.  :)

Almost forgot, nice build!
always the beautiful answer who asks a more beautiful question.
e.e. cummings


The poster is from ATM. Nice build BTW!


And willybomb is the winner of movie-knowledge!!
Well chuck, I actually almost had to wire in the tight C100K pot, cuz I received a C10K instead from musikding.
Turned out C10K worked out cuz I like the tight low anyhow haha!
Thanks guys, will try to do a mouser cart with 1/8w resistors today, and when I verify that I will share the board.
And you can go ahead and share the board anyway chuckbuick, I just changed the value of the 5.1V zeners from smd to TH, and added my name and thank chuckbuick :)


Great build all around! Very cool....
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