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That one build... that one build..

Started by Willybomb, October 18, 2014, 07:29:03 AM

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... that just won't finish properly.

Right now I'm trying to finish my "Seapig".  So far, I reckon I've put 4 laser printed adhesive stickers, and the same number of inkjet printed photo paper tops on top of this box to try and finish it.  Something has gone wrong every time.  The most recently I scraped the print somehow WITH MY FINGER while exacto knifing the holes out of the labels.  Ripping the sticker off means I have to sand back to nearly bare metal and start again.

I'm *this* far away from undercoating, putting some letter stickers on it, calling it "Boringbox", and then clearcoating it.  Even that sounds too ambitious at the moment.  Whoever the dude on this forum is who does those distressed style finishes, man, I can relate.  You probably do it from choice though.

This bugs me no end.  The last two laser stickers - Terminus and Boneyard - came up great and only took one application.  Even my last two boosts with inkjet photo paper were easier than this.


I have a Duovibe that is so wacky that I have yet to troubleshoot it and get it working properly. I have spent a few hours on it before I got upset and moved on. Its been a few months so maybe it time to conquer it once and for all.



I can relate to that story. I just recently had major issues with the box finish on my sparkle horn. My build report - aka story of permament failure - is coming up this weekend. We all have these builds that haunt us. Then you'll make another one which works fine and everything is great again :)
I build pedals to hide my lousy playing.

My projects are labeled Quantum Effects. My shared OSH park projects:
My build docs and tutorials


This one is just nuts.  I've messed up the enclosure another 2-3 times since posting.


I suggest you stop posting for a while.  ;D

I'm not gonna elaborate on three misdrilled/misplanned enclosures for my Kingslayer2 so far...  ::)


Echobase was painted three times from scratch over the course of three years to get the final results. I'm slow at the best of times but this was a record.

Ross Compressor took 4 attempts and as many different types of clearcoat to get a decal to adhere properly and in the end it wasn't a decal but a wet toner transfer that worked.
"If you always do what you always did- you always get what you always got." - Unknown

If my photos are missing again... they're hosted by photobucket... and as of 06/2017 being held hostage... to be continued?


Yup. I've got a Lowrider that just doesn't want to seem to work. Octave below randomly jumps up to an octave above... sound fizzles out.... need to really debug that one.


My Meathspere (whatever the musicpcb project is called) is permanently in the "F-It, nothing ever was done right pile the first time", bad switch, slightly misdrilled holes, interfering jacks, etc, etc.  Too expensive to do again, and truthfully, doesn't do enough to warrant rebuilding anyway.

On my third or fourth attempt on a Stage Fright, first one worked, so I drilled the enclosure to suit, then tried to tweak it and screwed it up.  Second one I managed to wreck a few pads when trying to adjust the board position within the enclosure.  I don't remember if there was another attempt inside there.

I've also only successfully built one Rangemaster.  Still haven't figured out how I botched the other ones up, but for $2 in parts, it's cheap enough to do over.
The only known cure in the world for GAS is death.  That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.


my etched upper decker from a couple of yrs ago.

the first one i etched & drilled.  i got it fully populated, & then the pads & traces were just evaporating around the edges when i was sodlering the pots & wiring in.  defective pcb material or something.  made about 6 or 7 repairs, but it just got worse and worse.  I finally had to throw in the towel.  that is the only time that happened to me with an etched pcb.  weird.

then i de-soldered every component and started fresh with a new pcb.  got everything in, and just dead.  couldn't be arsed to troubleshoot because i assumed it was a part with the leads cut too short from the first build, and didn't feel like hunting it down.

i etched& drilled yet another pcb and used fresh parts.  finally success, but by the time i got it together i was so sick of it my wiring was a complete ratsnest and some of the holes i drilled in the enclosure were off.  just a complete crap build really.

no build report of that pedal, lol.  sounds pretty awesome though!!

curtis- oddly enough i have had troubles with building rangemasters too haha.  such a simple circuit.
Looking for a discontinued madbean board?  Check out my THREAD

Now carrying Matched JFETS


We've all been there  :D


Contract PCB designer


Anything involving a bucket brigade delay chip outside of a breadboard. I can't even get LFOs to fire up on the 4 PCBs I've done with the stupid things.


I've got one of those black fabed Hamlet PCBs that has multiple issues. The PT keeps locking up, I'm getting a ticking when I turn the mix up, and I also get oscillation super early. Haven't had the time to mess with it and ever time I look at it I sigh and push it aside.


Quote from: flanagan0718 on October 20, 2014, 08:34:24 PM
I've got one of those black fabed Hamlet PCBs that has multiple issues. The PT keeps locking up, I'm getting a ticking when I turn the mix up, and I also get oscillation super early. Haven't had the time to mess with it and ever time I look at it I sigh and push it aside.

If you want wo send it to me I can probably get it working for you 😃


Quote from: midwayfair on October 20, 2014, 11:46:53 PM
Quote from: flanagan0718 on October 20, 2014, 08:34:24 PM
I've got one of those black fabed Hamlet PCBs that has multiple issues. The PT keeps locking up, I'm getting a ticking when I turn the mix up, and I also get oscillation super early. Haven't had the time to mess with it and ever time I look at it I sigh and push it aside.

If you want wo send it to me I can probably get it working for you 😃
Yeah that might happen. I want to try a couple things first but I will certainly keep that option t the front of my skull. Thanks Jon.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Quote from: midwayfair on October 20, 2014, 06:50:03 PM
Anything involving a bucket brigade delay chip outside of a breadboard. I can't even get LFOs to fire up on the 4 PCBs I've done with the stupid things.

Just remember... LM358 is your friend Jon  ;)

My go-to op amp for LFOs.

I must say that I have been fortunate with my builds for a while. Its been a good long time since I have had a complete dud. I attribute this to my OCD preparation skills when doing etches and building.  8)