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Current Lover v3207 D4 question

Started by mcasemo, October 17, 2014, 09:49:27 PM

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I'm working through getting my current lover working and have a question about the MN3207 and v3270 error that is addressed with D4.  Should I simply connect the anode to +C6/D5 junction and completely avoid soldering it to the designated hole? 

Or should they D4 be put in its spot on the board and D4 anode jumpered to +C6/D5? 

In either case I don't get 7.6-7.7 VDC on pin 4 of IC2, i get 8.25v

Any help is appreciated.

On first try i got flanging noise that would change with the rate, but the dry signal was just fed through.  I re-flowed and re-cleaned, now i just have dry signal.  Figured I start with working this voltage first.



What voltages do you get on both ends of the diode

What you've done looks right.

Posting full voltages will be the next step. Just to note though... kinda looks like your 311 isn't properly socketed in that photo.

Your resistor teepees could be a source of issue too.
Works at Lectric-FX


haha, teepee's.  i thought i ordered everything i needed, but got into that series/parallel game when i realized my order fail.

D4 cathode: 8.14
D4 anode/+C6: 8.25
D5 cathode: 0v gnd

That 311 does sit in the socket funny, i re set it a few times and it's wants to rock over like that.  I checked each pin to the board and they are continuous.

I'll collect each IC voltage and post them.


OK, here are my voltages

Updated*** had mistake on IC3 pin 9 and 10

Pin   IC1 JRC4558
1   4.38
2   4.65
3   4.23
4   0
5   4.58
6   4.63
7   4.58
8   9.26
Pin    IC2 v3207
1   0
2   4.51
3   8.27
4   8.14
5   8.25
6   4.5
7   7.48
8   8.27
Pin   IC3 CD4049UBE
1   9.21
2   4.51
3   4.59
4   4.56
5   4.6
6   4.58
7   4.6
8   0
9   4.58
10   4.5
11   4.58
12   4.5
13   0
14   4.58
15   4.5
16   0
Pin   IC4 CD4013BCN
1   4.53
2   4.59
3   vary
4   0
5   5.48
6   0
7   0
8   0
9   0
10   0
11   0
12   0
13   9.18
14   9.19
Pin   IC5 LM324N
1   4.58
2   4.58
3   4.53
4   9.18
5   1.1-1.8 vary
6   1.1-1.9 vary
7   .6 - 3.1 vary
8   vary
9   4.23
10   vary
11   0
12   4.23
13   4.23
14   vary
Pin   IC6 LM311
1   0
2   vary
3   vary
4   0
5   9.15
6   9.15
7   7.3 8.1 vary
8   9.15


Zenner is 8.24V

E: 6.7
B: 7.23
C: 9.05

E: 8.71
B: 8.21
C: 4.45

E: 9.21
B: 1.50
C: 0


And photos of back and front.  If anyone can check my voltages or let me know if anything is obvious, very much appreciated.


Well to start your 3207 bias is way off, I know some people had issues getting it biased and had to reduce R12.

Also, pins 9 & 10 of the 4049 are off... check them again, possible you cooked it with ESD or when resoldering.

Finally... your D4 is working, but not dropping enough voltage, what kind of diode is it? It doesn't look like a 1N4148 or 1N914 but it could just be another make I guess, not really an expert on diode appearance. That wouldn't cause a non-functioning build though but it could cause some issues.
Works at Lectric-FX


Thanks Scruffie - I mistyped the voltages on IC3 pin 9 and 10, the are 4.58 and 4.5. 

I'll mess with the bias voltage on the 3207 to see if that is it.  What should i be shooting for on pin3 of the 3207?

I'll try to find the bag of diodes that one came out of to make sure i grabbed the right one.

Thanks for taking a look, much appreciated.



Quote from: mcasemo on October 18, 2014, 04:26:04 PM
Thanks Scruffie - I mistyped the voltages on IC3 pin 9 and 10, the are 4.58 and 4.5. 

I'll mess with the bias voltage on the 3207 to see if that is it.  What should i be shooting for on pin3 of the 3207?

I'll try to find the bag of diodes that one came out of to make sure i grabbed the right one.

Thanks for taking a look, much appreciated.

Cool, the 4049 voltages are good then.

You should expect the bias on pin 3 to be about half supply.

You could always teepee another diode in series with it to get the voltage down further.
Works at Lectric-FX


OK, thanks for that suggestion.  It's a 1n914.  i found two separate bags (different orders/online shops) and they looked the same.  I'll work on that bias and let you know how it goes.



OK, tracing the voltage to Pin 3 of IC2

9v supply is 9.15v
after 10R: 8.97v (VC)
after R12: 5.96v
at wiper of Bias trimpot: 4.08v
after R9 at at Pin 3 of IC2: 7.97v

adjusting the bias full one way to the other only changes pin 3 from 7.97 to 7.93
it sweeps R12/bias3 from 5.1v to 6.0v.

Should the bias have more effect on IC3 pin 3?


One issue might be that your BBD is a 555 timer... that can really put a crimp in the circuit ;D
Works at Lectric-FX


well don't i feel silly  :-[.  bought that chip and the v3207 from mammoth, came together on the same piece of foam.  hopefully using the correct chip will fix all my problems


Alright Scruffie, I owe you one.  Sounds fantastic now!