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NPN bumbleBee?

Started by maxiclick, October 17, 2014, 04:06:22 PM

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I want to build an NPN version (2n1302) of the bumbleBee and I've marked the extracted graphic with red for the changes. Have I missed anything? Any suggestions I also wish for a madbeans version of the Buzzaround-Alike with only one transistor and a dual op-amp. Anybody here build that? Info? Options?...


Looks right to me.

Not sure why you'd want to make version of this effect using a dual op amp. What are you hoping to achieve? It's designed to work and sound like it does with transistors.


have you seen/heard the buzzaround-alike? The demo I heard sounded good and it's touted as being more stable since it has only 1 GE tranny. And It will play nice with other pedals being NPN and having good input/output impedance...I want to build both because I have G.A.S. naturally but I'm enjoying my recent building spree. (cupcake, EAT, 3time champ, FF, mods on a few things)


Quote from: maxiclick on October 17, 2014, 04:40:49 PM
have you seen/heard the buzzaround-alike? The demo I heard sounded good and it's touted as being more stable since it has only 1 GE tranny. And It will play nice with other pedals being NPN and having good input/output impedance...I want to build both because I have G.A.S. naturally but I'm enjoying my recent building spree. (cupcake, EAT, 3time champ, FF, mods on a few things)

The first two transistors in the Buzzaround are just a Darlington stage. I wouldn't worry much about the stability, though I built mine NPN with a silicon transistor in Q2 because it was less noise. The diode at the base of Q3 will stabilize that transistor by conducting leakage off when the diode itself leaks and its forward voltage rises due to heat. (It has to be germanium to work right.)

The input impedance of this effect is the same as a Big Muff, and no one complains about those not playing nice with other pedals (this isn't a fuzz face). The output impedance is under 100K at all times (it's actually highest when the tone control is in the middle), so it's decent enough in that regard. I imagine one of the op amps is used as an output buffer and the other replaces the Darlington stage. Shouldn't do too much harm, but Q1/Q2 still provides some distortion, and getting the necessary gain out of an op amp would give you op amp distortion, which is going to sound different and harder than the germanium transistors in the original.


awesome, thanks. Seems like I'll build the BumbleBee first because the alike is a tag board build and that isn't my first choice for ease or dependability given my lack of experience with debugging these builds.