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French Press (Engineer's Thumb w/ Clean Blend)

Started by irmcdermott, October 17, 2014, 06:10:04 AM

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A while back I had done this board, so had a few sitting around. Decided to build one up as I'm building a new pedalboard. Just spray paint, and the PulsarProFX decal system for the graphic. I can't wait to build my spray booth in the garage so I can start powder coating again....



Cool. I like the clean graphics on all your builds.


Nice build Ian. I like how you've got the row of Pots in the middle of the PCB like that.

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Dude, you built it upside down!!
Ok, seriously looks great! 

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The coffee theme is adorable! I think something similar would rule on a percolator, needless to say (thinking of Jon Patton's Cappuccino Fuzz).


I really love the simplicity of this build. Its very clean. Did you do the layout? Do you have any more of these PCBs?



What's your overall impression of the PulsarProFx decal system?  Your results look great

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"If you put all the knobs on your amplifier on 10 you can get a much higher reaction-to-effort ratio with an electric guitar than you can with an acoustic."
- David Fair


The smell of coffee makes me nauseous, but the PEDAL is really elegant and well laid out!
"A man is not dead while his name is still spoken."
- Terry Pratchett
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Gorgeous pedal. And now, I'm off to research PulsarProFX.


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Quote from: PhiloB on October 17, 2014, 05:53:00 PM
What's your overall impression of the PulsarProFx decal system?  Your results look great

I've had it for about two years now, I go back and forth. It gets fantastic results when you do it right, haha. There is a big learning curve, and don't even think about skipping a step in Frank's instructions. He's great and will answer any questions you have. But I've got the hang of it now. I'm back to using it while I work on getting my powder coating and screen printing setup done in the garage (a long way away). But yeah, be patient, and follow the instructions, and you are good. Only downside is the initial investment. Starter Kit, decent laminator, heat gun, etc.... it's not cheap. I guess that, and the fact that you only get one shot to get the placement right, haha.

Quote from: midwayfair on October 17, 2014, 07:17:47 PM
Quote from: irmcdermott on October 17, 2014, 06:10:04 AMA while back I had done this board

go on ....


Yeah... so a few thing, I did this board right around the same time that Jacob released his ET board, and his clean blend board, haha. So, I held onto my initial prototypes, and eventually gave them, and the layout, to a friend who has a small production going on. So, that's what happened there.

Thanks for all the kind words. Sorry for the delayed response, took my 3 year old son on his first overnight tent camping trip to Mammoth Cave State Park in Kentucky. If you saw my Boomstick build, you'll read that he's a dinosaur theme, so not only do they have great camping up there, but they also have Dinosaur World, haha.