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Drowning Reverb

Started by selfdestroyer, October 13, 2014, 12:25:36 AM

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Brian's MoodRing built to spec. This is a great sounding reverb with tons of control. I love how it can get some really cool drone noises and you can make it oscillate pretty easily if needed. From subtle to drenched, this verb is great.

Reverse etch on a 125B enclosure and painted metallic blue. Pretty straight forward build.

Up skirt shot:

Dang it, I need to straighten that 3PDT board.. its going to drive me nuts. lol



Looks great man! Love the etch!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


"Pretty straight forward build" for you is "pretty awesomeness" to me. Everything that ends up on that green shag looks great!


Beautiful job Cody. Your etches are amazing.



Nice stuff :) the switch and jacks look pretty tightly fitting
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- Terry Pratchett
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awesome. You must have a really big arsenal of rattle cans in your garage :)
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Looking really good, waves and fonts are nice.

To anyone who has built this, do you reckon you could do it with top mounted jacks using the Lumberg ones?

They're the jacks I normally use.

Cortexturizer - thoughts on some pedals I made - sounds and jams


lovely build!
tight too.
..and always love the green shag pile. 8)

On a professional level, probably should pm you here as I try to keep my posts positive, but those are the Mammoth knobs right?...the ones with the plastic screw inserts?  The ones that "strip like a teen school dropout in vegas" as somoe memorably said? I got them from Mammoth once, used them extensively, they were my faves- and they had brass inserts, then bought a bunch, like a heap, but this time they were plastic, can only be set once without striping...was so disappointed. If anyone has a source for them I'd love to hear about it.
Spud knows tone!

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"I have many leatherbound books, and my apartment smells of rich mahogany"


Wow! I'm so envious of your etchings.... I love how you did fill the space with the hand.
'My favorite programming language is solder' - Bob Pease

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Awesome dude, really like the aesthetic of this one, great work as always!


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