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Klon... I'm a believer, of sorts

Started by Willybomb, October 09, 2014, 12:40:52 PM

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Just rocked a Jimmybjj API Klon board that I got (pre populated) from ThePastRecedes, and while I'm not buying into the hype, I have to say that:

It's pretty nice. 

I wouldn't sell my mother for one (maybe my sister), nor pay ebay prices, but it seems to have a nice amount of grunt while still retaining clarity and rocking moderately hard.  It's a fun board.  I'm liking it more than the Deadringer etch I tested this week, I think.

So... it's hard to describe, but it's just.... nice...


I had the same experience.  I built one on Rej's board and was pleasantly surprisedz. It sit on my board now.  I run it at low gain with level above unity some into my other overdrive and get some very nice tone. 
I tried to hate it because of the hype but it didn't work:(

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I'm sure i'll have the same experience once I actually get around to building one. I never understood the hype and why people pay outrageous amounts of money for them. I never had the money to buy one and everyone I knew that had one just rubbed it with a diaper. (<- sorry for the Ferris Beuller quote) Anyways I glad to hear its not just me.


I'll be honest with you guys, I'm not sold on the Klon.

Currently on my board, I have two ODs, a Klone(apis) and a Ibanez Tubescreamer (modded to 808). Maybe because of the hype, I want to dislike the Klon, who knows. The Klon kicked my second TS off my board, but 95% of the time, I still just use my 808.
3% of the time, I run Klon just above unity with some grit into the TS and it is great for leads.
2% of the time, I run the Klon by itself.

I built one for a friend and he pooped himself when he heard it. He forced me to make him 2 more so he could have different settings ready to go at any time during a gig.

Is something wrong with me?


I know a guy who makes really rather good amps and has a lot of my pedals, so a man of skills and great taste, for whom the Klon does nothing at all.

I've said it before, but it's amusing to blind test people with ODs. Line up a few and flip them while they playing. I've had it happen where blind, the guy chose the tube screamer, but when knowing what he was playing he chose the klon...

However, I do like the Klon. I prefer the Kingslayer, but I think the Klon has merit to be held in the same regard as the Tube Screamer or CSOD as a great OD.
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It's all a matter of taste. I've been off and on with Klonish circuits, but I will soon have two Silver Pony-specced Klons in my chain.

It really clicked for me when I decided to give up on it being an overdrive and really enjoy what a nice mid/treble booster it can be.
"If you put all the knobs on your amplifier on 10 you can get a much higher reaction-to-effort ratio with an electric guitar than you can with an acoustic."
- David Fair


i'm with jubal.  i like it much more as a boost with good treble control.  it sounds great into a faultline (sft) or similar.
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Quote from: Haberdasher on October 09, 2014, 06:49:51 PM
i'm with jubal.  i like it much more as a boost with good treble control.  it sounds great into a faultline (sft) or similar.

Doood! I'm actually in the middle of rebuilding the Bubba for exactly this. Replacing the Umble with a Lamprey board and the SHO with a Silver Pony.
"If you put all the knobs on your amplifier on 10 you can get a much higher reaction-to-effort ratio with an electric guitar than you can with an acoustic."
- David Fair


I find myself consistently coming back to the Klon circuit. It's a useful effect in my opinion. Doesn't seem to work for everyone, which is fine with me, but neither does the TS circuit.

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Quote from: jubal81 on October 09, 2014, 06:52:51 PM
Quote from: Haberdasher on October 09, 2014, 06:49:51 PM
i'm with jubal.  i like it much more as a boost with good treble control.  it sounds great into a faultline (sft) or similar.

Doood! I'm actually in the middle of rebuilding the Bubba for exactly this. Replacing the Umble with a Lamprey board and the SHO with a Silver Pony.
haha, great minds!  glad it's not just me. 8)
Looking for a discontinued madbean board?  Check out my THREAD

Now carrying Matched JFETS


+1 for the mid/treble boost use of the circuit. I typically set my Kingslayer version 1 to 12 o' clock on the gain/clean control (slight breakup with traditional Tele pups) and dial the treble to taste for the type of music. It really fattens up a tele in a way I now find indispensable. The TS doesn't really do this function so well, but it can be a much better pure overdrive.
Chief Executive Officer in Charge of Burrito Redistribution at Hytone Electric


Are you guys lawyers by any chance? I hear the Klon sounds particularly good to lawyers that play blues.


I am. I like it. :)

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"my legend grows" - playpunk


I love my Klone with OA160's for a slightly overdriven signal. It has replaced my TS. Never thought that would happen.
Also the Klone into a BMP is a nice combo.