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twin1965's Caya Chorus - EHX Small Clone

Started by m-Kresol, October 05, 2014, 02:42:29 PM

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Hey guys,
finally finished that one, I was missing a small sized 2n7 cap...
I chose Pink Floyd's "the dark side of the moon" cover art for this one. It doesn't really relate to the pedal, but I always liked the cover. To make it a little more distinct, I merged the front and back covers. Sounds very good, but I can see why the original just had two switchable depth settings; there are a lot of strange sounds in between. Unfortunately, the printer screwed up more than one decal (no idea why), so I ended up using one with some splotches of missing black paint. In the one picture it looks really sparkly, which is a more than it looks in reality.
It was a tight fit in the 1590B, I had to use the Lumberg style jacks to make it work. Luckily, I had some designated for another project, so I switched them out.
Thanks to twin1965, who designed the pcb and sold it to me. Very nice layout!


I build pedals to hide my lousy playing.

My projects are labeled Quantum Effects. My shared OSH park projects:
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Neat build! Looks great - and I know what you mean about a tight fit, I've just boxed a Caya Chorus in a 1590b and there wasn't much wiggle room. My build report is pending labelling the enclosure...


Excellent, F.!
Nice and thick with the envirotex, fancy led bezels (whereddyagetthosebytheway?), neat insides!
Me likey! I've had a Caya board since the original batch and I just can't find enough time to put it together. It will happen for sure, I just don't have the ETA on it. Maybe take some voltage numbers while it's still at hand?


Quote from: muddyfox on October 05, 2014, 06:13:36 PM

Excellent, F.!
Nice and thick with the envirotex, fancy led bezels (whereddyagetthosebytheway?), neat insides!
Me likey! I've had a Caya board since the original batch and I just can't find enough time to put it together. It will happen for sure, I just don't have the ETA on it. Maybe take some voltage numbers while it's still at hand?

Thanks, the bezels are from musikding. Good call on getting voltages, I'll get them the next days depending on how much time I have. New semester started, so I have to do some teaching soon. Need to get couple of things done until then, plus the final course of electronics class is starting. Yay, opamps and transistors! :)
I build pedals to hide my lousy playing.

My projects are labeled Quantum Effects. My shared OSH park projects:
My build docs and tutorials


The album cover makes a great graphic.  Nice job getting everything in there.


Nice build :) I like the bezels too. The Lumberg sockets are probably a must if you're using a 1590B. It is a tight fit!
Glad you liked the PCB.



Looks great!  Does the red led pulse with modulation?
always the beautiful answer who asks a more beautiful question.
e.e. cummings


I build pedals to hide my lousy playing.

My projects are labeled Quantum Effects. My shared OSH park projects:
My build docs and tutorials