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Started by miha, October 01, 2014, 03:37:04 PM

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A friend of mine wanted a 2 in 1, drive + boost, so this is what I came up with. It's a MBP Tube Screamer going into a Boosta Grande clone. It's the first time i did a double pedal, the first time I used 3pdt boards (I used Selfdestroyer's boards) and the first time to try "relic" the enclosure. I think it came out OK, the insides are a bit messy, because of me not thinking ahead and I also messed up the drive and vol labels, which are switched.
Here are the photos (I'm sorry for the quality, I only have a camera phone)

Let me know what you think,


Hey great job! I like how the enclosure came out. I've been thinking about doing something similar.


relic job is great, looks like it has been on the road and gigged quite a few times