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Zeropoint Micro II sister board

Started by pogart, September 26, 2014, 03:20:56 PM

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I am building the zero point micro II and decided on a larger enclosure (1590b since I had one already). With a little more space I was wondering if separating each pot from the sister board and mounting them individually would be ok?. I don't see any copper connecting them.  I just want to use the extra space in the box to my advantage and for a less compact look to the finished knob placement. Any tips would be great, I am brand new to the forum here.


Sure, just leave the daughter board off and wire the pots directly to the main board.

Quote from: pogart on September 26, 2014, 03:20:56 PM
I don't see any copper connecting them.



So if I am reading this right you want to take the 1 sister board with the 3 pots and cut it into 3 seperate wiring boards...right? If so you should be ok to do so, but, I would just use the wiring pads on the main PCB rather than cutting the other board apart. Plus that sister board could come in handy later. Just my opinion ;)


OK, that's probably the way to read it...


Thanks for the speedy replies guys. I was planning on using the sister board as well but cut it into 3 individual pieces, 1 for each pot and then wire those to the allotted spots on the main board. I have an enclosure already drilled for 3 pots and the holes area little wider apart than the spots for the pots on the sister board but it would be easier with your suggestions and just wire it direct to the main board and keep the sister board for another project. Wicked : )
Thanks again.
ps: I like the tag of Diode Destroyer below my login name..where did that come from?, has a death metal feel to it : )


Ran into a little setback on this build. Is it ok to substitute the LM78L05 regulator for an LM78L06? My local shop had these in stock but the Lm78L05 were listed as Lm78L15A. Will there be much of a difference between the two?. Or will it cause potential headaches down the road.


Quote from: pogart on October 12, 2014, 05:34:28 PM
Ran into a little setback on this build. Is it ok to substitute the LM78L05 regulator for an LM78L06? My local shop had these in stock but the Lm78L05 were listed as Lm78L15A. Will there be much of a difference between the two?. Or will it cause potential headaches down the road.

Max voltage for PT2399 is 6.5.  6v won't kill it however you have a very thin margin 0.5v. Also, increasing the supply voltage makes the clock frequency increase and that can make your delay times shorter. I'd suggest holding out for a 5v reg. I can send you one if you want no problem just say the word.

  DIY Guitar Pedal PCB projects!


Thanks for the fast reply man. I appreciate the help and the offer. I have to order an enclosure for the moodring build  so I will add a few of the correct regulators to my mouserr order for the delay build. Guess I need to be patient lol. I am so close to finishing this one too.