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MMCP vs ceramic disc

Started by copachino, September 17, 2014, 07:11:17 PM

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i was wondering, what ots better for a 1590a build(cave dweller), i have a build(not tested) with ceramic disc capacitors, but i got(from waste) some MMCP for the build, also a tantalum 10u, so i was wondering, could it be that disc are too noisy?? or something??, or i should go on poliester caps??
Affiliations: madbeanpedals fan and pedal porn lover....


Polyester caps are generally nicer than ceramic caps, but at a much larger size (and often cost).

Between MLCC and Ceramic disc, the MLCC usually the higher quality caps, but the important factor is the temperature coefficient of the cap.  NP0/COG are the highest grade, but aren't available in the larger sizes and they can get pricey at higher densities.  X5R and X7R are usually quite good and work fine in most pedal applications.  Just keep in mind that the capacitance goes down when they are used at voltages close to their rated voltages, so I recommend getting higher voltage caps if you can (50v or 100v will be fine).

Ceramic caps do exhibit higher distortion than Polyester, but I would doubt that would matter in the application you are using them in.
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Quote from: pickdropper on September 17, 2014, 07:22:45 PM
Polyester caps are generally nicer than ceramic caps, but at a much larger size (and often cost).

Between MLCC and Ceramic disc, the MLCC usually the higher quality caps, but the important factor is the temperature coefficient of the cap.  NP0/COG are the highest grade, but aren't available in the larger sizes and they can get pricey at higher densities.  X5R and X7R are usually quite good and work fine in most pedal applications.  Just keep in mind that the capacitance goes down when they are used at voltages close to their rated voltages, so I recommend getting higher voltage caps if you can (50v or 100v will be fine).

Ceramic caps do exhibit higher distortion than Polyester, but I would doubt that would matter in the application you are using them in.

i was thinking on poli.. but they are hard to fit on the cave dweller, ceramic are better, temperature, usually where i live its kindda cold about 20°C normally, but since this delay spacially its really low parts, and doesnt have that many filters, i was thinking that the components quality its so important, but im just guessing
Affiliations: madbeanpedals fan and pedal porn lover....