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PhD in Klon studies

Started by electricb, August 29, 2014, 05:04:17 PM

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Impressive work considering he's only got one arm  :o
Gnomepage - DIY effects library & stuff in the Stompage bit
"I excite very large doom for days" - playpunk


Quote from: juansolo on September 07, 2014, 05:14:33 PM
Quote from: catfud on September 07, 2014, 08:59:24 AM
Remarkable for the sheer quantities of black goop used. What is that stuff anyway?

Watch the X-Files episode about Tunguska...

So extra-terrestrials may have been involved in the production of the Klon Centaur?


Quote from: catfud on September 07, 2014, 08:59:24 AM
Remarkable for the sheer quantities of black goop used. What is that stuff anyway?

Toan butter

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
"my legend grows" - playpunk


Quote from: playpunk on September 07, 2014, 09:11:41 PM

Quote from: catfud on September 07, 2014, 08:59:24 AM
Remarkable for the sheer quantities of black goop used. What is that stuff anyway?

Toan butter

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

What do you think his undong is for? The goop's gotta come from somewhere.


Quote from: mremic01 on September 07, 2014, 09:42:24 PM
What do you think his undong is for? The goop's gotta come from somewhere.

Shut down the thread, we've got a winner.


Quote from: lincolnic on September 08, 2014, 03:05:18 AM
Quote from: mremic01 on September 07, 2014, 09:42:24 PM
What do you think his undong is for? The goop's gotta come from somewhere.

Shut down the thread, we've got a winner.

You mean a wiener? An unwiener?

...I'll show myself out.

Here's some more (poorly inkscape'd) klone research:


...What happened to the original post on the blog?


Quote from: aion on September 10, 2014, 05:41:55 PM
...What happened to the original post on the blog?

I took it down. I've been getting a few people asking about why it's gone, so I'll just copy and paste what I wrote elsewhere:

I reread a lot of what I wrote and realized that it was unduly making other people look bad. I felt like a jackass. No drama, just wanted to avoid drama and fueling the rumour mill. And yeah, I know taking the posts down can look just as bad, but I figured that was better than what I was currently doing.

In the mean time, I'm keeping my klonology private just to be safe, and slowing down (it can get unhealthy). I know I said I'd share it, but it's also not fair for me to put stuff out there that can make or break other one-man kloning operations. The only one's I'm not cool with are PCE for his terrible customer service, and EHX for undercutting the one-man operations and putting out a perplexing product. Most of the other guys make a good pedal and do right by their customers.

In the mean time, I've got a Gold Centaur coming and I'm wrapping up my work with the Soul Food and KTR. I'm eager to put their boards back in the enclosures and actually spend some time playing through them. I might post some Klon stuff, but it'll be slower in coming and with less speculation.


Dude. F them. I thought your blog was awesome and just told the facts. If anyone is offended then whatever. It was the truth. Loved it. Glad I saved it while it was still up.

Don't be ashamed. This was valuable info and legit. Very good stuff.  With your klon PhD, if be honored to design the best PCB available for the klon. Dropping some serious knowledge there man!  Keep it up.

  DIY Guitar Pedal PCB projects!


Quote from: rullywowr on September 10, 2014, 09:15:33 PM
Dude. F them. I thought your blog was awesome and just told the facts. If anyone is offended then whatever. It was the truth. Loved it. Glad I saved it while it was still up.

Don't be ashamed. This was valuable info and legit. Very good stuff.  With your klon PhD, if be honored to design the best PCB available for the klon. Dropping some serious knowledge there man!  Keep it up.

Thanks. But I do feel like I need to relax and back away from the card table for a bit.


Quote from: rullywowr on September 10, 2014, 09:15:33 PM
Dude. F them. I thought your blog was awesome and just told the facts. If anyone is offended then whatever. It was the truth. Loved it. Glad I saved it while it was still up.

Don't be ashamed. This was valuable info and legit. Very good stuff.  With your klon PhD, if be honored to design the best PCB available for the klon. Dropping some serious knowledge there man!  Keep it up.

Agree with this wholeheartedly. As long as it was factual, there is no possible argument they can have about it. It's Kitrae for Klons. Simple as that. I thought it was worthy.

As for people being put out by it and complaining, I'm with Rully, this is not your problem. One man business based on someone else's product... That's a bloody shaky business model regardless. Design your own product and shut the f**k up.

Put it back man, and send any complainers my way. I'll sort 'em out. In fact I'd happily host it for you on my site if you liked.
Gnomepage - DIY effects library & stuff in the Stompage bit
"I excite very large doom for days" - playpunk


Two words, guys: google cache.


I totally respect taking a break if you're getting too deep into the rabbit hole and it's not fun anymore but I have to say this is really disappointing. I have been finding your Klon fact-finding mission as fun as hell - you are kind of like an archaeologist trying to document an ancient civilization from artifacts you find online and in other units. It's been really enjoyable and I hate to see it go away.

I don't even particularly care about the Klon. I love KitRae's site even though I am not a Big Muff user, and that ProCo rat schematic is great. RG's site has awesome info about Fuzz Faces, Rangemasters, Wahs, and Tube Screamers and Electrosmash has great documentation on Crybabies, etc. The DAM forum has excellent info on the lineage of most fuzz pedals. All that stuff is fun to read even if you don't care about those effects. You are doing great work, but the fact that its the Klon doesn't make it particularly special. If you were doing this for the Phase 90, or the H&K Rotosphere, or whatever, it would still be interesting and valuable to anyone who cares about the history of guitar & effects.

As for hurting other people's businesses, every single person making a Klon clone owes a massive debt to Chittum and the rest of the people who helped trace the original Klon. If you traced every Klone in the world, you would probably find that the vast majority are using that schematic as a reference, and I'll bet some are even using the incorrect 2008 schematic. I've seen some boutique Klon clones that use the exact vero layout you can Google in 15 seconds so whoever made that should be getting some kind of commission! If a business uses information they found in the public domain as the basis for their product, it is very unfair for them to cry foul when information about their product comes to light.

We don't even know if this stuff affects the bottom line of a given Kloner. If you check out any Rig Rundowns, you see a lot of Centaurs, but very few (if any) Klones. It's most likely hobbyists buying this stuff and they will debate the merits of a given pedal vs. another endlessly. Even if you post a thread on TGP asking "What's the best Klone?" you would likely get 30 different responses with each person touting the one that they personally own (at the moment). The most documented pedal out there is probably the TS-808 yet Ibanez sells a ton of these each year, Fulltone sells a bunch of Fulldrive 2s, Dunlop sells a lot of Green Rhinos, etc. People are going to buy an ARC Klone V1 because they want something that close to the original PCB, they are going to buy a Frederic Klone if they want an MXR-sized pedal, they are going to buy a Soul Food because it's cheap, and they are going to buy one of Pickdropper's builds because they want it in a 1590A. Consumer behavior is complex, and circuit variations are probably the thing (most) people care about least when making purchase decisions on pedals.

Sorry for the diatribe, I just hate to see good research and data go unrecognized.


Is hard to say anything new as electricb, rullywowr and juansolo hit every point.

I only write to show my support, what you we're doing it's valuable, it is knowledge and sharing it isn't wrong.
From my point of view, if any builder is afraid about someone studiyng and sharing how his product works then he should stop building or he should do it better (there are many known brand-owners/builders out there that support diy community and rely on the real value of the product they sell).

Thank's to people like you that take their time to look into things and an open/sharing community, technology and science world has been revolutionized in the last decades (think about the development of internet and how it would'nt been possible without the sharing of knowledge).

Said that, it's ok to take a rest from time to time.

If you ever decide to retake your work, count me in for anything needed.
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