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Norstortion - HM-2 Stereotype Content

Started by chuckbuick, August 28, 2014, 12:27:23 AM

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Awesome work!

Was there a missed trace in the layout between Mid Pot Lug 2 and C17? Looks like a tiny jumper fix there..  8)

Ever tried to populate SMD with paste and a heat gun?


Quote from: Govmnt_Lacky on August 28, 2014, 06:42:27 PM
Awesome work!

Was there a missed trace in the layout between Mid Pot Lug 2 and C17? Looks like a tiny jumper fix there..  8)

Ever tried to populate SMD with paste and a heat gun?
Thanks, man.  After I finished this build I decided to give it a try with the original tone set-up and instead of pulling C17 I cut the trace.  Then when I went back to the Mid pot set-up (which makes it much more versatile) I had to jumper that cut.  Total lapse of common sense cutting that trace.

I have done one board with paste.  I liked it and it sped things up.  I need to get a finer tip for my paste syringe and I think it will come out better.  I was basically winging it based off a youtube vid I had watched about 6 months earlier but it worked out OK.  I have the Eagle monkey on my back so I have quite a few opportunities to refine the process in the near future.


Is the jumper on C17 something in the range of 48 gauge wire?  :o

That is sick, makes my eyes hurt (in a good way) just looking at it


Quote from: GammaFlex on August 29, 2014, 02:09:24 AM
Is the jumper on C17 something in the range of 48 gauge wire?  :o

That is sick, makes my eyes hurt (in a good way) just looking at it
The label on the spool is old and hard to read but it looks to be 28 gauge.

BTW, I have one more board if anyone is interested.  The price is right.  Free!


Made of the blackest metal awesomeness!
Gnomepage - DIY effects library & stuff in the Stompage bit
"I excite very large doom for days" - playpunk


Quote from: juansolo on August 30, 2014, 08:35:17 PM
Made of the blackest metal awesomeness!

Yep, destined to cause herring damage.  ;-P
Function f(x)
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