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Started by m-Kresol, August 26, 2014, 06:45:23 PM

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This is my finished Doppelgänger Doppelgänger ;)
First off, hats off to Lacesensor and alanp for the board layout and all the work to make this happen. Secondly, put your hands together for all of the little helpers I had debugging the build after having weird oscillation and noise issues. Turns out I had the dry out touch the regular out despite insulating tape (there was a microscopic rip in the tape...).
Anyways, it sounds great now, although I haven't gotten around to fully testing it yet. This is one of the most complex builds on my list yet. Lots to learn from the build since there are lots and lots of board mounted parts to align (drilling was nerve wrecking despite test drilling on wood) and the amount of jacks included. Also, applying a decal of that size is not easy at all.
'Nough said, here's some pics:

I build pedals to hide my lousy playing.

My projects are labeled Quantum Effects. My shared OSH park projects:
My build docs and tutorials


great work, Felix! glad you have it all sorted out!



Where's the audio? Lets hear this bad boy!  ;D


Nice build! Simple and elegant.


Great job getting this working! It looks awesome, I hope you really enjoy it.


Excellent! Your persistence paid off big time.


That is so beautiful!

What finish did you use? 
Is it decals and epoxy?
Looks really super clean.


Awesome build, I was working on mine this last weekend and can't wait to finish it.



its envirotex. i didnt have the guts to try it with 9mm pots so its just label on mine. this looks spiffy though, im wondering whether theres any play in the pots from being without a nut?


nice!  love that gloss and the graphics
always the beautiful answer who asks a more beautiful question.
e.e. cummings



WOW!! That looks so good! Can't wait to hear it.


Damn, that's hot. Love the color, graphic and knobs - all works so well together. Not to mention the inside is unbelievably sharp. Great work!
"If you put all the knobs on your amplifier on 10 you can get a much higher reaction-to-effort ratio with an electric guitar than you can with an acoustic."
- David Fair


Great looking build.  I dig the details like lining up all the switch nuts.  Well done.



thanks for posting this. Its extremely gratifying to see these "in the wild" and know that people can follow the build docs etc. Enjoy what is surely one of the best analog optical phase shifters.
