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Starting 'em young!

Started by ChrisVereb, April 28, 2011, 05:08:38 PM

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When I got home from work last night my wife told me about my 2 year old son's new game.  He takes a bunch of blocks and lines them up on the floor, then gets his ukelele.  Then he'll start strumming away and singing while he stomps his "pedals" on and off.  He'll occasionally crouch down and fiddle with the pretend knobs, and then keep on jamming...usually to Uncle John's Band, or Neko Case's This Tornado Loves You.  I was almost as proud as the day he learned the word "capacitor".


That is AWESOME. We're expecting a little boy in September and I'm so ready for moments like that! :)


Congratulations!   ;D  I just found out my wife is do in late December with our 2nd.  Sleep lots now....because sleep will be a huge luxury very shortly!


My boys loved it when they were little and would stand on a big old morley fuzz/wah I had and rock it like a seesaw while I played.  They still ask about that pedal.
Now they play paperjamz toy guitars


I've got a Dunlop Crybaby 95Q on my board currently, and it's Luke's (my son) favorite along with my behringer small stone knock-off.  Those are the only two without big 3PDT switches, which are pretty tough for him to activate.  His favorite to mess around with when I'm not home is my mixer.  Each chanel's mute and solo switch has an LED.  I can tell when he's been in the basement because EVERY channel is both solo'd and muted....fer the pretty lights.