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Tourbillon Phaser Volume drop

Started by PhiloB, August 15, 2014, 05:10:59 AM

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I populated the board, turned out the lights and when I hit the switch (testing rig) there was a definite drop in volume.  The effect seems to work as expected but the volume drop was significant.  I appreciate any insights:)

Took voltages (all written as EBC)
Pics of the board


Did you do these?

Quoted from the OP of the Tourbillon BuildDoc and Info thread:

Quote from: juansoloK Tourbillon sorted.

R13 & R14 are correct on the schematic, but not on the BOM (they're backwards on the BOM).
R11 wants to be 100k
R12 wants to be a 390k

All unity goodness now and it sounds rather brilliant with Tayda LDR and a 3mm clear orange LED. Gets a filtery/phasery/tremoloy thing going on. Do like.
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Dang, I read that.  Knew I needed to do, total brain fart!
What's wrong with my brain that I wasn't reminded of this.  Thanks .  I'll report back later today.


Had trouble desoldering with my pump and lifted the pad of R14(bottom side of the PCB, the one closes to the bottom of the board).  Will this cause an issue?  The top pad is still intact and soldered. 


Looking at the schematic and image of the board in the build doc, it looks like it would need to solder the bottom side of the board R14 to R12 pad/component.  It appears to me that the electrical connection is made on the bottom layer.


That seemed to work.  This effect is different than I expected.  Look forward to playing with different LEDs and LDR placement.
Please let me know if I was wrong to solder R14 to R12:)


Right about R14-R12 it asks for a connection, glad you've been able to save the board.

It's a different phaser than what we are used too, a bit more subtle but musical and soft in it's sweep. Kind of halfway between a phaser and a vibe... that don't make sense, but it's how it sounds to me.
Killing Unicorns, day after day...

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I agree with your comparison to a vibe.  The shape knob almost feels like you are able to set a wah in a position and it oscillates around the wah position (didn't explain it that well).  Put another way, like you can choose the vowel?
Anyway, it is certainly different and I think it will be useful


Quote from: PhiloB on August 15, 2014, 09:28:38 PM
I agree with your comparison to a vibe.  The shape knob almost feels like you are able to set a wah in a position and it oscillates around the wah position (didn't explain it that well).  Put another way, like you can choose the vowel?
Anyway, it is certainly different and I think it will be useful

Vowel would be right. :)
Killing Unicorns, day after day...

Building a better world brick by brick:


Really really like it. I need to build mine again.
Pedal building is like the opposite of sex.  All the fun stuff happens before you get in the box.