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What are you G.A.S.-ing for at the moment?

Started by jubal81, July 30, 2014, 05:51:17 AM

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Quote from: Stomptown on August 02, 2014, 07:46:56 AM

Sunn amps were made in the town I grew up in so I've seen my share of vintage Sunn gear throughout the years. They definitely made some great stuff! Fender actually bought the Sunn factory and used it to manufacture amps before they moved to Corona, CA in the 90's. My dad still has an old blues deluxe from that era made in our home town and it still sounds great. If you like Sunn, you should check out Conrad Amps. Conrad Sundholm started Sunn back in the day and he is still making amps to this day. A little out of my price range but his stuff is beautiful!

Here is a link:

I have DIY dreams of building a Sunn Sceptre. I have at least a couple more amp builds to do first before taking that on.


Sunn O))) (of Stephen O'Malley and Greg Anderson) took their name from the amps (plus it is also a nod to Carlson's Earth).

They use SIX Model T amps on stage (all with full stacks), and six Ampeg SVTs, but Ampeg probably isn't as good a band name as Sunn O))).
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- Terry Pratchett
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Quote from: sonarchotic on August 02, 2014, 03:46:17 PM
Quote from: Stomptown on August 02, 2014, 07:46:56 AM

Sunn amps were made in the town I grew up in so I've seen my share of vintage Sunn gear throughout the years. They definitely made some great stuff! Fender actually bought the Sunn factory and used it to manufacture amps before they moved to Corona, CA in the 90's. My dad still has an old blues deluxe from that era made in our home town and it still sounds great. If you like Sunn, you should check out Conrad Amps. Conrad Sundholm started Sunn back in the day and he is still making amps to this day. A little out of my price range but his stuff is beautiful!

Here is a link:

I have DIY dreams of building a Sunn Sceptre. I have at least a couple more amp builds to do first before taking that on.

Great! now you got me on again. lol
One day it will be mine... one day.



Had this open in a browser tab for 2 days. I think I'm going to crack soon.

"If you put all the knobs on your amplifier on 10 you can get a much higher reaction-to-effort ratio with an electric guitar than you can with an acoustic."
- David Fair


Quote from: the3secondrule on July 31, 2014, 10:34:38 PM
Orange Tiny Terror, (was thinking about a Dark Terror but the TT would be more versatile), a Dano baritone, and the matchless Hotbox clone I hope to build soon with a mate :)

GAS slightly abated - Picked up a cheap TT head and it arrived today. Also bought a "broken" fulltone OCD on the cheap, with the intention of fixing it up - it arrived today and is working fine  8) the TT and OCD sound ggggggreat together :)
"I have many leatherbound books, and my apartment smells of rich mahogany"


Quote from: jubal81 on August 07, 2014, 12:46:01 AM
Had this open in a browser tab for 2 days. I think I'm going to crack soon.

Man... you should have never showed me that one..... such an awesome comp!

The GAS is about to explode... that and the Korg SDD3000..... killin', Killllllllling me!
Killing Unicorns, day after day...

Building a better world brick by brick:


GASing after so much stuff at the moment. But these two are top of the list. A Gretsch Billy Bo Billy Gibbons signature model (the one I like has pin striping on it though) and a ESP horizon nt-ii in brown.


One of these:

Or these:

I don't think I can resist anymore. I want a proper made in the UK/US amp, and these two are looking perfect for me.


Both of these.  I think I need to sell some of my non-DIY pedals and get the money for the B9, hopefully I'll come up with the money next year for the DRRI


Quote from: stevie1556 on August 07, 2014, 08:22:24 AM
GASing after so much stuff at the moment. But these two are top of the list. A Gretsch Billy Bo Billy Gibbons signature model (the one I like has pin striping on it though) and a ESP horizon nt-ii in brown.

Those ESP Horizons are really nice guitars.  Shame that their pricing and branding has gotten all weird this year.  EII?

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Quote from: pickdropper on August 07, 2014, 12:13:19 PM
Those ESP Horizons are really nice guitars.  Shame that their pricing and branding has gotten all weird this year.  EII?

I know what you mean! Had a look at ESPs the other day, and they have changed all the model numbers and everything! It got me all confused!

Also been looking at the ESP LTD MH1000. Same guitar, just not hand made, and bolt on neck instead of a neck through, but at half the price! One day I'll have one of each. Maybe. If I win the lottery.


Killing Unicorns, day after day...

Building a better world brick by brick:


Quote from: raulduke on August 07, 2014, 08:41:44 AM
One of these:

Or these:

I don't think I can resist anymore. I want a proper made in the UK/US amp, and these two are looking perfect for me.

I live about 10 minutes from Swart. I've been tempted to drop in and ask if they need an intern. "Will work for spare parts."
"If you put all the knobs on your amplifier on 10 you can get a much higher reaction-to-effort ratio with an electric guitar than you can with an acoustic."
- David Fair


I've always wanted a CNC. and this may be the one a friend of mine and I may go halfsies on. Inventables is doing a lot of cool things with this as far as mods and upgrades, and they web based software, Easel, that they are developing looks really promising.