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how about a laser cnc homemaded??

Started by copachino, July 21, 2014, 04:35:45 PM

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Check out for lots of DIY builds. I purchased a cheap chinese laser after using a substantially more expensive one at work and wanting to be able to engrave things without feeling guilty if i then sold them. Its not great but with the improvements i'm making its good enough for what i need for the time being.

We converted a large manual mill to CNC about 2 years ago, use Mach3 as a controller and i toyed with the idea of somehow rigging up a laser tube like you mention. I quickly gave up on that idea, the laser tubes themselves are of a substantial size and i don't think its feasible to mount one on a z axis. This means the conventional, mirror solution is needed, with the necessary beam alignment moving from the spindle to the laser wouldn't be a quick swap. Added the fact that the chinese lasers don't cost much more than a 40w laser tube for me is a no brainer.


Actually, I think aside from the fumes, and fire hazard, the biggest risk is to your eyes.

Agree with Dave about combining milling with laser, there's probably some good reasons why they aren't available.

That said, I'd totally want to try to make either one or both if I had the time.

I forget where, but I've seen builds using dvd-r and inkjet printer parts. Most likely an easier way to do it but it's not 3d, not sure about effectiveness either.

always the beautiful answer who asks a more beautiful question.
e.e. cummings


Quote from: wgc on July 22, 2014, 01:52:25 AM
Actually, I think aside from the fumes, and fire hazard, the biggest risk is to your eyes.

Agree with Dave about combining milling with laser, there's probably some good reasons why they aren't available.

That said, I'd totally want to try to make either one or both if I had the time.

I forget where, but I've seen builds using dvd-r and inkjet printer parts. Most likely an easier way to do it but it's not 3d, not sure about effectiveness either.

Those are less dangerous, but also much lower power.  Many of the DIY designs I've seen are based on that.
Function f(x)
Follow me on Instagram as pickdropper


Quote from: wgc on July 22, 2014, 01:52:25 AM
Actually, I think aside from the fumes, and fire hazard, the biggest risk is to your eyes.

Agree with Dave about combining milling with laser, there's probably some good reasons why they aren't available.

That said, I'd totally want to try to make either one or both if I had the time.

I forget where, but I've seen builds using dvd-r and inkjet printer parts. Most likely an easier way to do it but it's not 3d, not sure about effectiveness either.

wll i have to build it and see what happens, maybe i can make both, if i have the lucky to get thos tiny IC again, to make the drivers, co2 will be later, i got some laser over there to try the hardware and then the big laser(the most dangerus part), but i think its gonna b fun and amazin if it work, but i have never used a laser engraver only some 12 axis cnc centers, engraver are new world to me so... i have to learn so much
Affiliations: madbeanpedals fan and pedal porn lover....


I've never seen a 12 axis engraver in action, but the 7 axis was AWESOME.  You can do so much with those.

We have a four axis at work for prototyping.  It's very cool.  The only downside is how long it takes if you do a detailed finish.  Some jobs get roughed out in 30 minutes or so but the detail work takes another 12 hours.
Function f(x)
Follow me on Instagram as pickdropper


Quote from: pickdropper on July 22, 2014, 12:04:15 PM
I've never seen a 12 axis engraver in action, but the 7 axis was AWESOME.  You can do so much with those.

We have a four axis at work for prototyping.  It's very cool.  The only downside is how long it takes if you do a detailed finish.  Some jobs get roughed out in 30 minutes or so but the detail work takes another 12 hours.

that a long time to wait, but i think 4 axis its out of my wish for now, maybe i can use it later, the problem its only have 3 drivers for my stepper, and i cant get any DRV8825 chip to make more, i need to trace those IC
Affiliations: madbeanpedals fan and pedal porn lover....