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Clone Theory - Celeste Chorus

Started by m-Kresol, July 14, 2014, 08:00:59 PM

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This is the EHX Clone Theory Chorus build on of Haberdasher's marvelous Celeste Chorus boards. This was really a fun build and it sounds great. I can finally get rid off my crappy Behringer Chorus I got years ago.
I more or less used solid core wire for the first time here and I think it turned out pretty neat, but obviously I need more practice with it. Even with quite some time thinking about a drilling template, especially the distance from the side, I almost had a major mistake. The input jack just barely fits next to the pcb and had to be squeezed in. I was rather lucky there. Also, I was getting used to using Josh's 3PDT daughter boards so much that I automatically drilled the right hole 12mm. The intention was to have the switch on the left and the LED on the right side...
The cover is pretty much inspired by the name: Clone Theory made me think of clone wars from the Star Wars saga, so I went with that. I was pretty glad with the pic itself, but after finding the filters in Gimp and fooling around with them I think it turned out even better (some comic-, colour and shadefiltering, if I remember right). The second pic is most accurate to how it looks like in real life.

Thanks again to Haberdasher for this amazing board, as well as a tested and rather cheap MN3007!

I build pedals to hide my lousy playing.

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Kinki fuzz

Nice job, I'm excited about building mine too!


Looks great!  I have one in my queue, too.


Very sweet build.  I may have to jump on this solid core bandwagon.  Then again about 95% of my stuff is for me so once done it never gets opened.  Where's the DIY spirit THERE?

Excellent work on the graphics.  What'd you use for label stock?
Gordy Power
How loud is too loud?  What?


... are you sure Jacob didn't make that?

More seriously, very tidy work :D
"A man is not dead while his name is still spoken."
- Terry Pratchett
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thanks guys.
It's a waterslide decal and Envirotex.

I just fiddeled around with it a little bit yesterday after tuning in the trimmers, so I had a little go on it today after breakfast :D. Now that it sits on my board there is this horrible whining. hopefully, I'll get rid of it with the cancel trim pot. Weird enough, the whining disappears when I engage my overdrive or when pulling the input jack. Inserting it back in, it isn't there until I turn the patch cable a little to hide it... weird thing. Have to try another cable
I build pedals to hide my lousy playing.

My projects are labeled Quantum Effects. My shared OSH park projects:
My build docs and tutorials


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