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Son of UVICS (univibe in a wah shell)

Started by brejna, July 09, 2014, 09:39:54 AM

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Hi guys,I wanted to do univibe in wah for long time and did some research and found UVICS by R.G.  I've started this project 6 months ago and I finally finished it yesterday. I did few mods like independent led blinking, Madbeans Vintage-Modern input, selectable caps for different voicing of the vibe and trimmable speed adjustment of the rocker gain.  This was mine first swirl painting with marble paints, so it's ok but not perfect. I decide not to clearcoat it, so it will get that old look with some time.
Here are few photos..


I really like it!
the colours combination fit together quite well. The only think i do (but thats me!), is to add only few drops (3-5) of the secondary colours. Than swirld the mixture very little, not mixing them much. I think on this way, you can see more the differences between the colours...
looking forward to see your second swirl! please keep me posted!
If i fart a lot,  it means that i'm a Gas expert ?



Quote from: Gledison on July 09, 2014, 12:06:18 PM
I really like it!
the colours combination fit together quite well. The only think i do (but thats me!), is to add only few drops (3-5) of the secondary colours. Than swirld the mixture very little, not mixing them much. I think on this way, you can see more the differences between the colours...
looking forward to see your second swirl! please keep me posted!
I will definitely put next time less secondary colours and do entire process much faster..
Thanks once again


love the braids!  that would make my head spin...

nervous to try my first swirl, paint on order..!
always the beautiful answer who asks a more beautiful question.
e.e. cummings


Nice swirl you got there. The color combination is great. I always wanted to try a uni in a wah enclosure. Well executed.



Quote from: wgc on July 09, 2014, 01:12:26 PM
love the braids!  that would make my head spin...

nervous to try my first swirl, paint on order..!
Quote from: selfdestroyer on July 09, 2014, 04:08:10 PM
Nice swirl you got there. The color combination is great. I always wanted to try a uni in a wah enclosure. Well executed.

Thanks, finish could be better but I was bit lazy to do it again.. I just wanted to box the pedal and play :)