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DOD 250, Microamp and Distortion+

Started by Bils86, July 01, 2014, 07:51:46 PM

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DOD 250 "gray", micro amp, Distortion+ trio. All using the same PCB.

Very nice and simple circuit. Really like the dod250. Good alternative to my tubescreamer. I've also tried DOD YJM308 specs, which is just a smaller input cap giving more treble...and liked it too. So I plan to build a second one in a B box with an input cap switch...

Big fail on the dist+
I drilled for DC jack on the wrong side of the enclosure. I filled it with an ugly piece of metal with my ugly signature on it. Quite disapointed with this one...


I would gladly take the Plus off your hands if it would make you feel better.  ;D I really love the look on that one; great-looking set!!


Nice ones! Distortion+ keeps leapfrogging up the queue the more I see builds like that.


Sweet group of builds.  Nice work.


Nicely done.  Honestly, I like the sig plate on the D+.  Good bit of character there.  My mis-drills have been way less hide-able.  Any chance of a demo to see the difference between the three?
Gordy Power
How loud is too loud?  What?


Thank you all ! I'll try to do a demo soon.


Really cool. I love the graphic on the OD250