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Penneyroyal Chorus (EHX Small Clone)

Started by Stomptown, June 30, 2014, 12:32:51 AM

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Great looking build all round :) Love the look of etched face plates. The PCB looks great too. I like the way you've laid out the components.

This chorus does sound good. I hadn't played through one before but I think this will stay on my pedal board for a while :)

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2


Great! Is that a faceplate or etched directlty?
Very cool!
If i fart a lot,  it means that i'm a Gas expert ?


It is etched directly. I mask the sides with paiters tape and leave the borders on the face exposed to give a 3 dimensional look. The angled sanding also seems to add depth. I usually mask the boarders before sanding so I don't sand them off but if you look closely, I forgot to do it with this one. Luckily it was a nice deep etch and I didn't lose the boarder...


That is an amazing build. Love the in- and outsides on that one. How did you achieve that rusted-look after sanding?
I finally have to move my warhammer-painting-stuff from my parent's house to Vienna, could achieve some cool effects with the ink colours, i assume.
I build pedals to hide my lousy playing.

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Quote from: m-Kresol on July 01, 2014, 05:39:47 AM
How did you achieve that rusted-look after sanding?

I think what you are referring to is just smoke and mirrors! It's mostly lighting and iPhone filters.  ::)


 Nice build!
I got one of the group buy PCBs on the way and cannot wait to make this one.  However it is in the back of the line because I have Haberdasher's modulation madness duo  to complete first...  LOL  ::)
Cannot beat old school modulation pedals
Information is not knowledge
Knowledge is not wisdom
Wisdom is not truth
Truth is not beauty
Beauty is not love
Love is not music
Music is THE BEST . .


nice build, pcb looks great.

only another note, where did you get that dc jack? any idea if mouser carries them?


Those are Lumberg 9VDC jacks.

You can also buy them from chromosphere and his shipping from Austrailia is cheaper than you will get from Newark! Last time I checked he was out of the Lumberg brand but he also sells clones that look exactly the same and are reported to be high quality. Plus they are a bit cheaper than the lumbergs! Here is his store:

If you have to have the real ones right now the only USA supplier I know of is Newark:

I think BLMS has them as well...