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Diptrace PCB! Hats off to rollywowr!

Started by pryde, June 27, 2014, 02:06:18 AM

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Pretty stoked as I just completed my first pcb with Diptrace. Ben (rollywowr) walked me through the process including exporting gerbers to OSHpark and I can't thank him enough for his patience and generosity  :)

I made a couple small pcbs with Eagle (thanks to Jacob's tutorials) but really never jived with the program. I thought before I go to deep in the rabbit hole I would try Diptrace and I do like it better as its just more intuitive to me. Anyway the circuit is the good ole modified EA trem with a couple value changes I prefer.

Diptrace sub-forum maybe???


Love diptrace

Congrats on the new drug..!
always the beautiful answer who asks a more beautiful question.
e.e. cummings


That's a sweet looking layout for a sweet sounding trem. Nice! I'd love to try Diptrace but I'm on a Mac.

Can't wait to see/hear it when it's built and verified. What's the trimmer controlling?


I'd be stoked for a sub-forum. Maybe one of the experts can put together a tutorial to get it started??


Quote from: Stomptown on June 27, 2014, 03:10:09 AM
I'd be stoked for a sub-forum. Maybe one of the experts can put together a tutorial to get it started??

I second that and would be glad to contribute. ;)

  DIY Guitar Pedal PCB projects!


That's really a beautiful piece of work. Very clean!


Have to admit that I installed it a couple of weeks ago, had a quick poke, liked the look of it, and haven't touched it since.

I'll add my 2nd to the request for a PCB designing subforum.
Gnomepage - DIY effects library & stuff in the Stompage bit
"I excite very large doom for days" - playpunk


Quote from: Leevibe on June 27, 2014, 03:06:19 AM
That's a sweet looking layout for a sweet sounding trem. Nice! I'd love to try Diptrace but I'm on a Mac.

Can't wait to see/hear it when it's built and verified. What's the trimmer controlling?

The trimmer is just for biasing the BS170. This is a great sine-wave trem. Also if R6 is jumpered you can dial back the depth completely off and use the circuit's great preamp as a boost. When I verify the boards I will share the OSHpark project.


I like the boost too. I've built them that way. I love cranking the level and putting it in front of an OD or on-the-edge amp and hearing the trem push the pedal or amp into clipping with each pulse.


Is there a video or series of videos on DipTrace that you guys prefer? I'm interested in giving it a shot just for S&G.
Partner and Product Developer at Function f(x).
My Personal Site with Effects Projects


Man, that looks may have just pushed me to give this a try too. A brief glance at your screenshot helped me realize this would be intuitive enough for me to get up and running with. I may download the free version on my laptop this weekend. I better not put it on my work computer. That could be dangerous!  ;)

I remember seeing a few threads under the Cadsoft Eagle sub-forum, but it does seem like this has enough interest now to deserve its own.


Quote from: culturejam on June 27, 2014, 01:35:10 PM
Is there a video or series of videos on DipTrace that you guys prefer? I'm interested in giving it a shot just for S&G.

I didn't find a good video but started by downloading Ben's libraries:

Then after banging through a schematic and pcb layout he also outlines the gerber export process:

rullywowr is a DT jedi. Hopefully a subforum can get established


I see chromosphere did a youtube vid on DipTrace. I'll start with that.
Partner and Product Developer at Function f(x).
My Personal Site with Effects Projects


Ben helped me get my 3D modeling on: