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First Vero Build - Dry Signal Only

Started by KingNed, June 23, 2014, 04:32:37 PM

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Hey all,

Sorry if this turns out to be something incredibly obvious, but I'm still really new to this.
I'm building a DOD 250 from this layout and I just finished it.  However, all I get is clean signal passing through.  The volume pot works exactly as it should, but turning the drive does absolutely nothing.  I've checked everything and it all seems fine.  All the polarities look ok (unless I misunderstood the diagram and got something the wrong way round).

Here are some pics (WARNING: SOLDER GORE!  :) ) sorry for the blurriness

EDIT: The pictures were acting strangely, so here's just a direct link to them.  These should work.

Thanks!  Let me know if there's any more info you need.


 Hey there,
I cannot really tell any issues with your build but if I was you, I would post some detailed pictures over to the tagboardeffects blog and let IvIark take a look and he can probably point out any issues. He is usually pretty fast to reply.

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For some reason I can't see the pic(s?) but I can wholeheartedly recommend an audio probe session. An audio probe is as simple a contraption as they get and can get you to a solution rather quickly, especially on simple circuits such as this one.

Also, some basic DMM work can also help sometimes. Is your IC getting the proper voltage?


I don't know what was going on with the pictures.  Something to do with the cloud service I'm using.  I've edited the original post. 

Thanks for the suggestions so far!  I'll keep looking.


Man, some of those solderjoints look mighty iffy! Also a few potential solderbridges as well...

First, reflow everything. If you solder a joint and can still see through that hole, add some solder.  ;D After that, knife those gaps. Solderbridges can be a bi*ch to diagnose and easily constitute 90% of my lifetime vero errors.  ::)

Then check IC voltage and see if it's getting proper power.
Are those leds in place of 1n4148s?


Quote from: muddyfox on June 23, 2014, 05:11:36 PM

Man, some of those solderjoints look mighty iffy! Also a few potential solderbridges as well...

First, reflow everything. If you solder a joint and can still see through that hole, add some solder.  ;D After that, knife those gaps. Solderbridges can be a bi*ch to diagnose and easily constitute 90% of my lifetime vero errors.  ::)

Then check IC voltage and see if it's getting proper power.
Are those leds in place of 1n4148s?

I can see the pics now and for sure... I would get a good magnify glass and really inspect the solder joints, reflow where you need it and make sure each copper row is nice and clean with no bridges. If any bridges I take a solder braid and remove the solder, then reflow... inspect and clean where needed... as long as you followed that layout there should be no problems. It is verified and should work!  Always double check the cuts and links. I mirror the layout in paintshoppro so I know where to do the cuts, makes life easy.  That IC really needs to be reflowed too.
Good luck  :)
Information is not knowledge
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I would absolutely re-flow the solder joints. When re-flowing test with a DMM and make sure you have no unwanted bridges. What i usually do is run my iron tip in between the copper traces once or twice then do the same with a razor. If it gets super frustrating, re-cut another board. Trust me sometimes its not worth the $1 saved on the vero board.


Ha!  I thought that my soldering may be the reason.  I think you can tell i'm a beginner ;)
I'll re flow the joints and make sure there are no bridges and get back to you guys later.  Thanks for the help!

And yes, those LEDs are in place of 1N4148s.  I tried them and there was no difference so I just kept the LEDs in instead.  Is that alright using these 3mm LEDs?


Soldering skillz can be picked up very quickly. Just watch a few vids on youtube and practice. Vero is very easy to solder so practice on Mark's layouts and you'll be a pro in no time!

About the leds, my feeling (plenty of brainiacs around here to set me straight  ;D ) is that with their higher forwarding voltage, they may not clip the way you might want them to (or at all, circuit depending). Then there's also the shape of the knee and such things...

That said, if it sounds good to you, that's all that matters.  ;)


Do you have any diodes you can use instead of the leds? This circuit is not very high gain. Diodes have lower forward voltage than leds so distort more. The leds will give you more of a boost/crunch effect.

Reflow all the joints as advised first and cut between the tracks.

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2


Yep, I have the diodes that the layout uses.  I heard good things about LEDs through research on 250 clones people have made so I thought I'd try them.  That's why I socketed them, so I could switch them and see which one I liked more.