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Latest Pork Barrel - vibe/wet/stock mod - is it possible.

Started by frankus, June 20, 2014, 02:15:33 PM

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Hi there, long time lurker (which is a good thing, not creepy) - really love the advice and wisdom here.

So ..

There are a lot of references to mods for the awesome pork barrel chorus and I've just made one - most pleased. I tried a tonepad PCB before and had much much less joy - might go back and debug that one some time... nah...

I've successfully got an extra rate pot working off a second footstomp and the rate mod with LED... not so sure about that one.. it sounded a bit "colder" than before .. going to set up a switch so I can put the 4k7 back in the circuit and switch the LED to be non-throbby for warmer sounds... unless a relay could be employed... I'm using a big enclosure so... anyway that's by the by..

The trouble is I've been reading all the mods for the different versions of the pork barrel and I'd got really excited about using an on-off-on switch to get me "C25, nuthin' and jumpered" all on one switch.. in the spirit of open-ness I'll confess I wired that sucker up before looking at the schematic where... C25 doesn't exist ;)

I can't see a 22n on the new schematic - it's jobs being done by c17 isn't it?

Looks like the deep mod can be recreated in the new board by increasing c18... thinking about that as I play a Bass VI :)

I'll admit I can read a schematic (a little) and solder the thing - but I'm overcoming a mental block about the details of what's going on. I'd like to be able to make informed decisions about subs and in a few years maybe I'll get there.. till then I'm enjoying making pedals and playing them, and reading clever stuff from others :)

So am I on the wrong track or are there better mods for the new pork barrel? Many thanks for reading.



I can't stand the silence!!

Okay!! I confess, I've got a Tone Monk Phoenix enclosure!!!
