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No sound on plexi tone build

Started by scotheath, June 17, 2014, 09:24:33 PM

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This thing is killing me ! I originally had this all boxed up then discovered I had pots in backwards on the board. it all worked put 10 was all the way left and zero all the way left on all the pots. So I removed and re installed them all the way they are supposed to be, plugged in and played through pedal but then turn on pedal and silence. Through much examining discovered that when I would strum guitar all the LEDs that are used as diodes would light up. so I pulled out of the box stripped it down to a 9v battery and an in and out , plugged in and same results, cranked up amp and can hear very faint guitar coming through. I just checked the pots with OHM tester and they are all still good and in all 5 are in proper placement on the PCB. any suggestions would be greatly appreciated


It sounds to me like your signal is now leaking to ground, or you have something else that's now not connected properly.

Best guess is that by desoldering and desoldering your pots, you've got a cold joint, or perhaps a solder bridge somewhere and you shouldn't. I'd start by checking those things. Careful double checking may be necessary.

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Thanks, I will get out the magnifying glass when I get home