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Potentiometer orientation

Started by scotheath, June 16, 2014, 04:12:16 PM

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Am curios about orientation. I just completed a plexi clone build and it apears that all my pots are reversed, as in all the way left is zero and left is 10.


What layout did you use? When the pot is in the enclosure and you are looking at the back of it, the lugs are 3-2-1. So if you were looking at it as 1-2-3, they will be reversed, with fully counter clockwise being 10, fully clockwise 0


I used kit from tayda and yes I did have in wrong. New issue I took pedal apart re attached pots and wired up. Had stomp buttons in incorrectly as well. But it did come on and effect worked. Now after re wireing I can play through it but when I turn it on. Silence !  Ugh. All 3 led lights come on but no sound !!


Triple check your switch wiring, make sure nothing is grounding out from when you rewired it.

Post some pictures and maybe we can help.


having a tough time getting pictures on here. looking at build though I did run some wires out the bottom of board instead of out the top for convenience, would that be a problem ? I just figured that soldered is soldered.


That shouldn't be a problem, unless they are shorting out on something.


Thanks for the help. I have posted an update labeled no sound on plexi tone build below. With updates. I have stripped it right down to test setup. Same results.