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Oddball phaser on EB

Started by miter53, June 14, 2014, 12:20:47 AM

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I've never seen one but I say buy it! If it doesn't work, you still have a cool enclosure. I'd take the risk at that price.


be careful of the shipping charge   8)
Contract PCB designer


You know, I'm probably not going to bid on it. I was thinking someone here, especially someone in Europe might be interested. Trying to conserve funds for an Allen amp kit...
"Only sick music makes money today."-Friedrich Nietzsche
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Quote from: miter53 on June 14, 2014, 01:16:57 AM
You know, I'm probably not going to bid on it. I was thinking someone here, especially someone in Europe might be interested. Trying to conserve funds for an Allen amp kit...

Sounds fun. Is it to mod something or is it a build?


I have one of those. It sounds pretty cool. I believe it is an 8 stage phaser.


Am I the only one that gets irritated when sellers put "Never Used" and "NOS" on stuff that they say they have tested? Its one of my pet peeves.

I had a dude on CList one time try to sell me an amp and he kept saying it was brand new, I really could care less if its new or used. He said that all week people have been coming by to test it out.. and I was like, so its not "brand" new is it? He tried to do the "its never been out of the house" and I said that does not make it brand new. I liked it to me wearing a pair of underwear for 5 minutes in his living room then giving them back and saying "I just didn't like them" I asked him if he would keep them and wear them himself.

I know this is extreme but.. it just bothers me. When I am buying something on CList or EBay I could care less if its brand new or used but I expect pictures to show its actual shape and base my sale on that.




Excellent point. Brand new, never used means still in an unopened box to me.
I can say one thing about that phaser, it's definitely 80's. It reminds me of old arcade graphics, like what would be on the side of a World Series Baseball machine.