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MN3005 vs V3205

Started by Muadzin, June 13, 2014, 01:05:38 PM

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I've been kicking around the idea of getting some mn3005s for the new DB, but I'm thinking getting 4 genuine 3008s for a little less money from Smallbear might be the better way to go. Don't have a scope, but maybe I can rig up one of those free software scopes...
"If you put all the knobs on your amplifier on 10 you can get a much higher reaction-to-effort ratio with an electric guitar than you can with an acoustic."
- David Fair


PT2399 and BBD are two totally different sounding beasts, not even comparable imo. 
Just a note on the V vs MN thing. For BBD's I wouldn't touch the cool audio chips.  Neither the MN's or the V's are clean, their not supposed to be really, but the V's don't sound "warm" they just sound noisy and distorted.  This is my conclusion from ...extensive... testing of the madbean aquaboy.  I spent weeks trying to get v3205's to sound good in this circuit, modding the circuit into oblivion, just couldn't get anything decent sounding from it.  6 months later decided to try some mn3008's.  10 mins of adjustments and bang!  Awesome sounding delay. 
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That's been the whole point of the thread, i'm saying the Aquaboy etc boards aren't designed for the v3205, modding or not, so a delay designed specifically for them, might have a bit of a better chance.

And they're "not supposed to be really"? Of course they are, or else what was the MN3305, an exercise in terrible sound? :D

Also, where did you source your v3205 and when? Smallbear has mentioned he had to send his most recent batch of them back as they were biasing too hot so just distorted.
Works at Lectric-FX


Oh I see scruffie.  Sorry I must admit I didn't read all the pages.  My V3205's were from a couple of years ago, ebay fairly certain.  They worked.  Just didn't sound good at all.  Distorted.  But not in a good way.  Hissy sort of distortion, like something was broken. A layout specifically designed for a v3205 (that actually sounded good) would be an awesome idea, we could finally look away from the mn3005.
Pedal Parts Shop              Youtube


Quote from: Scruffie on June 16, 2014, 03:33:09 AM
That's been the whole point of the thread, i'm saying the Aquaboy etc boards aren't designed for the v3205, modding or not, so a delay designed specifically for them, might have a bit of a better chance.

I still think this is a really good idea. Builders want analog delays they can make without having to source unobtanium chips. Players want analog delays that sound good and don't cost them an arm and a leg. I really think the community would get behind you if you designed a delay around the V3205s.

Recently I asked the other engineers at my studio if there were any pedals they wanted me to build to have around. The top response from everyone was a DMM, or other analog delay. After a conversation about the difficulty of sourcing MNs, they decided to put the delay idea on hold. I'm sure I'm not the only one who's run into this kind of thing. A good-sounding new circuit that uses current production chips would go a long way towards alleviating the problem.


Quote from: lincolnic on June 16, 2014, 05:10:49 AM
Quote from: Scruffie on June 16, 2014, 03:33:09 AM
That's been the whole point of the thread, i'm saying the Aquaboy etc boards aren't designed for the v3205, modding or not, so a delay designed specifically for them, might have a bit of a better chance.

I still think this is a really good idea. Builders want analog delays they can make without having to source unobtanium chips. Players want analog delays that sound good and don't cost them an arm and a leg. I really think the community would get behind you if you designed a delay around the V3205s.

Recently I asked the other engineers at my studio if there were any pedals they wanted me to build to have around. The top response from everyone was a DMM, or other analog delay. After a conversation about the difficulty of sourcing MNs, they decided to put the delay idea on hold. I'm sure I'm not the only one who's run into this kind of thing. A good-sounding new circuit that uses current production chips would go a long way towards alleviating the problem.
Challenge accepted :) i'll see what I can do.
Works at Lectric-FX


Quote from: Scruffie on June 16, 2014, 07:54:57 PM
Quote from: lincolnic on June 16, 2014, 05:10:49 AM
Quote from: Scruffie on June 16, 2014, 03:33:09 AM
That's been the whole point of the thread, i'm saying the Aquaboy etc boards aren't designed for the v3205, modding or not, so a delay designed specifically for them, might have a bit of a better chance.

I still think this is a really good idea. Builders want analog delays they can make without having to source unobtanium chips. Players want analog delays that sound good and don't cost them an arm and a leg. I really think the community would get behind you if you designed a delay around the V3205s.

Recently I asked the other engineers at my studio if there were any pedals they wanted me to build to have around. The top response from everyone was a DMM, or other analog delay. After a conversation about the difficulty of sourcing MNs, they decided to put the delay idea on hold. I'm sure I'm not the only one who's run into this kind of thing. A good-sounding new circuit that uses current production chips would go a long way towards alleviating the problem.
Challenge accepted :) i'll see what I can do.

WIN! 8)
Killing Unicorns, day after day...

Building a better world brick by brick:


This might be a good idea to start...

Independent attack and release as opposed to the 570/571.
Works at Lectric-FX


Quote from: Scruffie on June 16, 2014, 07:54:57 PM
Challenge accepted :) i'll see what I can do.

Awesome. I will definitely be watching with interest.
Partner and Product Developer at Function f(x).
My Personal Site with Effects Projects


Quote from: culturejam on June 16, 2014, 08:56:44 PM
Quote from: Scruffie on June 16, 2014, 07:54:57 PM
Challenge accepted :) i'll see what I can do.

Awesome. I will definitely be watching with interest.
It will undoubtedly take some time as I have a lot of other design work that needs doing :) but i'll work on it when I can.
Works at Lectric-FX


Well, I'll say it once more in case somebody ends up doing it:

What I'd most like to see is a 4x BL3208 project (the smaller chip), a la the EHX Memory Toy (and maybe the Carbon Copy has this as well, I can't recall). Doesn't need to be a clone of those or anything, but of all the analog delays I've played, my favorites have have four XX08 chips in them. I think that combo has the clearest (yet still warm and gritty) repeats.

I keep hearing that the Bellings were recently discontinued, but there are still a ton of them in inventory, and they should be relatively cheap and easy to get for the next couple years at least.
Partner and Product Developer at Function f(x).
My Personal Site with Effects Projects


Okay, maybe nevermind on that idea. I see the BLs on ebay, but nobody else seems to have them.  :(
Partner and Product Developer at Function f(x).
My Personal Site with Effects Projects


Quote from: culturejam on June 17, 2014, 03:09:32 AM
Okay, maybe nevermind on that idea. I see the BLs on ebay, but nobody else seems to have them.  :(
That was exactly the reason when I had this idea too combining it with SIP OpAmps, it quickly lost traction, the 3208 (V or BL) is actually a hair better in specs than the 3205 so either brand would be okay (other than adding to the cost with more chips).

Atm though, smallbear hasn't restocked in 6 months on the CoolAudio chips since the dodgy batch so even the v3205 delay might not end up being the best idea.
Works at Lectric-FX


Quote from: Scruffie on June 16, 2014, 07:54:57 PM
Challenge accepted :) i'll see what I can do.

;D ;D

Quote from: Scruffie on June 17, 2014, 03:13:27 AM
Atm though, smallbear hasn't restocked in 6 months on the CoolAudio chips since the dodgy batch so even the v3205 delay might not end up being the best idea.



not sure if its been covered in this thread but a number of high end delays use the v3205 from cool audio
Notably, the EAR 4096 which everyone who hears one seems to enjoy.