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Clipping Diode ID

Started by selfdestroyer, June 03, 2014, 08:55:38 PM

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I am trying to figure out what asymmetrical silicon diodes are in the picture below. I do not have any silicons that look like that in my stash and would like to see what these may be. This is from A modded TS-808 pedal.




Pretty sure the 1N914 that Tayda sells look like those (I remember them having a yellow band, I don't remember for sure if they were red).
The only known cure in the world for GAS is death.  That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.


Can you measure the forward voltage?

They look like typical silicon diodes I've seen many times before. Have no idea the number, but it could be any silicon diode usually.

JMK Pedals - Custom Pedal Creations
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It does look at bit like the MA856.
Which is hard to come by and are used in the King of tone. But a fv Reading would help:-)


Quote from: GermanCdn on June 03, 2014, 08:58:31 PM
Pretty sure the 1N914 that Tayda sells look like those (I remember them having a yellow band, I don't remember for sure if they were red).

I have 1N914's that look more like D3 & D4.

Quote from: jkokura on June 03, 2014, 09:00:07 PM
Can you measure the forward voltage?

They look like typical silicon diodes I've seen many times before. Have no idea the number, but it could be any silicon diode usually.


I don't own the pedal, was thinking of picking it up but I am working a work-a-like of sorts.

This is what I'm thinking is going on with the clipping switch.
Clipping Diode Rotary
1 - No diodes: The most open and least distorted.
2 - LED clipping: light clipping with a lot of volume. (5mm Green Diffused & 3mm water Clear Asymmetrical?)
3 - Mosfet clipping: light gain OD with great harmonics. (2N7000)
4 - Asymmetrical Silicon clipping: Tighter light gain OD closest to stock 808.
5 - Symmetrical silicon clipping: tighter distorted tone. (1N914)
6 - Schottky Diode clipping: Looser fuzzy tone. (BAT41)



Quote from: GermanCdn on June 03, 2014, 08:58:31 PM
Pretty sure the 1N914 that Tayda sells look like those (I remember them having a yellow band, I don't remember for sure if they were red).
That was my thought too. They look just like the ones I have from tayda


Quote from: Matt on June 03, 2014, 10:16:27 PM
Quote from: GermanCdn on June 03, 2014, 08:58:31 PM
Pretty sure the 1N914 that Tayda sells look like those (I remember them having a yellow band, I don't remember for sure if they were red).
That was my thought too. They look just like the ones I have from tayda

That would make sense since I doubt this company would be able to find MA856 on a mass level these days. So maybe D3 and D4 Symmetrical is not 1N914 like I thought. I doubt they would use 2 different makes of 1N914's... hmm



I bet they're those silicon diodes Tayda labeled as 1N34A a year or two ago.


Id go with 1n914.  I have received these from tayda before, they are smaller then the ones we are used to.  Pretty sure I have some of these at home, I can take a photo of them for you when I get home if it helps?

Edit: hang on a sec.  Can I read "1n270" printed underneath the diode?
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Yeah, they look like the Tayda 1n270 germanium.  I may have a couple around I can check.

-nope, didn't look like my Tayda 1n270 at all.  Weird.


Siemens Zener Diodes?



They look like the 1N914s I got from Tayda recently


Thanks so far for all the help.. Some of you have asked what pedal this is and I guess it would not hurt to say its the Earthquaker Devices Palisades. I was really impressed with the overall control of the pedal and really want to pick one up at some point. For now I would love to make my own version using the etchable TS bean open sourced awhile back. Here is the information that is from Earthquaker about the pedal that I found. anyhting in ( ) is my comments.

Here is a video (I know Andy and ProGuitarShop can make a turd plugged in sound good but this video shows gut shots and it does sound great).

TS-808 specs
Switchable Gain knobs (ala KnobJob kind of thing)

Voice: Clipping Diode Rotary
1 - No diodes: The most open and least distorted.
2 - LED clipping: light clipping with a lot of volume.
3 - Mosfet clipping: light gain OD with great harmonics.
4 - Asymmetrical Silicon clipping: Tighter light gain OD closest to stock 808.
5 - Symmetrical silicon clipping: tighter distorted tone.
6 - Schottky Diode clipping: Looser fuzzy tone.

Bandwidth: (Input Cap Rotary)
1 - is the thinnest setting
5 - is the fattest setting with the heaviest gain

Normal/Bright: (Pulls the 220n from the tone control)

Buffer: (Turns the input buffer on or off.)
ON -  is a tighter and brighter tone while
OFF -  is a warmer tone with more sag.

Gain A A500k
Gain B B1M
Tone   B10K
Boost B100K

Boost (On input)
Mosfet Boost (Looked like a AMZ mosfet boost type)

Just thinking out loud and looking for others thoughts.

As far as the diodes in question, I do see "70" written under it but the diode description they gave definitely says Asymmetrical Silicon clipping and not 1N270 which is germanium. So I am still stumped.



I got home and looked at my diodes and I have a bag of IN914s from tayda that look identical...